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What are the weaknesses of GPS?

The GPS system is the most accurate navigation system in history. It provides continuous real-time navigation information. It is an all-weather system. It is available 24/7 to the international community, and can be used for free without any subscription or license. GPS can be used anywhere in the world. It is powered by world satellites. Therefore, it can be accessed anywhere. All you need is a reliable tracking system and a GPS receiver, The GPS system can provide weather and traffic alerts that notify you of severe weather or traffic conditions.


The price of the system is the main problem. If the GPS system has many functions, the cost is high. If you don't want to spend too much money, you must use fewer functions. The GPS system depends on the battery. When the battery runs out, the system does not work. Accuracy is a problem. GPS system is not always updated. Therefore, you do not know when the road is closed or when the new road is open. Updating is a major obstacle.
The GPS signal does not penetrate solid walls or structures, and it will be affected by large buildings or structures. Therefore, users will not be able to use GPS indoors or underwater or in densely wooded areas or underground stores or places. The GPS accuracy depends on the quality of the received signal. The GPS signal is affected by multipath, atmosphere (i.e. ionosphere), electromagnetic interference, etc. Therefore, the error of the GPS signal will be about 5 to 10 meters. The criminals use GPS jammers to block signals from GPS devices installed in the convoy. They do so in order to commit illegal acts without being detected, such as stealing vehicles or assets they transport.