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    How to Block Drone Signals

    Although you may think my problem is strange, but I can't stand drones hovering over my yard anymore. My neighbor's drones fly around my yard every day. What's more annoying is that his drones are also equipped with cameras

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    How to Block Gps Tracking Signal

    I wonder whether it is easy to be tracked by GPS in America. Because I felt like my car might have a GPS locator. So I wonder if I can block this trace?

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    How to Make a Cell Phone Jammer Homemade

    I'm very interested in mobile interference devices. But I'm in a city where I can't find a shop for this kind of equipment. So I want to know how to make this device

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    How to Disable Gps

    Although GPS is very convenient, but I think I have been tracked recently. So I want to know how to block GPS and I want dont be tracked.

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    Can Use a Wi-Fi Jamming Device School

    I am a teacher and I've seen a lot of students using WIFI to access Youtube and Facebook in class recently. I don't think it's a good phenomenon. I learned that there's a device called a WIFI jammer. I want to know that it can be used in school?

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    Where to Buy a Gps Jammer

    Hey, man. Who knows where to buy a GPS jammer? I suspected that I had been tracked by my wife. She knows my whereabouts like the back of her hand recently. It's terrible.

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    How to Block Wireless Signals

    I'd like to know how to ban the use of WIFI signals at work. I've noticed that a lot of our employees are using WIFI to access mobile social software recently. I want to stop this phenomenon. So I want to know how to block wireless signals

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    How to Kill Cell Phone Signal

    I live next door to a neighbor who often calls late at night. Every day from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m., he would make regular phone calls and wake me up from sleep. So I want to know what can I do to block cell phone signal so that I can sleep in peace.

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    What Can Block Cell Phone Signal

    I'm a restaurant manager. I want to know how to block cell phone signal. Telephone rings and loud conversations are often heard during meals. So I want to make the customers have a more comfortable dining environment

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    How to Jam a Gps Tracking System

    Guys, do you know anything about GPS tracking? Tracking systems are becoming more sophisticated and devices are becoming easier to buy. My neighbor was tracked down by his wife some time ago. I don't want my privacy to be compromised. So I want to know how to block the GPS tracking system

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    How to Block Cell Phone Signal in My House

    Hey, guys!I have a question want to ask you for help. How to jam cell phone signals at home? My children have been using their cell phones late into the night. In order to give him an early break, I want to try to jam the cell phone signal at home

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    How to Get a Personal Cell Phone Signal Blocker Device

    I've heard about this kind of equipment. But as far as I know, this kind of equipment is usually purchased by the government or the education department. I'd like to know how can have a personal cellphone signal interference device?

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    How to Block Gps Signal on Vehicle

    Hey, guys!It has to be said that personal privacy in the United States is increasingly unprotected. GPS tracking devices are now easily available. I want to know, how can I block GPS signals?

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    What Is Bluetooth Jammer

    I heard on the Internet that there is a device called bluetooth jammer. So what is this device for?

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    How to Stop Phone Tapping

    Hi, everyone!I seem to be in trouble. My phone seems to have been bugged, and I don't know where it was bugged. Is there a solution? I want to know how to stop it

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    How to Block All Wifi Signals

    Hi, everybody!I've heard that WIFI signals are radioactive and can cause cancer. Is it true? If so, how to block out all WIFI signals?

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    Do Hidden Camera Detector Jammer Apps Really Work?

    Hidden camera detector apps can be useful in certain situations, but their effectiveness can vary. These apps typically rely on the smartphone's camera and sensors to detect potential hidden cameras by analyzing signals or anomalies in the environment. The effectiveness of these apps depends on various factors, including the quality of the app, the capabilities of your smartphone's hardware, the presence of any obstructions or interference, and the type of hidden camera being used.

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    How to Block Bluetooth Signal

    Hi, everyoneI saw in the news that hackers can now hack into my smart device via bluetooth. Is that true? If that's true, how do you stop a bluetooth signal?

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    How to Block Wifi Signal in a Room

    HelloI'm sure you've been following the recent news that WIFI signals cause cancer. It's scary because WIFI signals are almost everywhere. How can I keep my room safe from WIFI signals?

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    Where Is Gsm Blocker Used

    HelloI learned about this kind of device on the Internet. I only know it can interfere with GSM signal, but I don't know where to use it. Can you tell me where this kind of equipment is needed?

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    How to Block Gps Tracking Device

    Hello, everyoneIllegal stalking has become increasingly rampant in the United States recently. Not just the police, private investigators, but now you can buy GPS trackers online if you want. Therefore, we must find ways to protect ourselves. So I was wondering what could be done to ban GPS tracking

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    How to Block Gsm Signal

    Hello, everyone!I am a teacher and my students always like to use mobile phones in class. How can I ban GSM signals to prevent them from using their phones for long periods of time?

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    How to Jam Wireless Signal

    I've heard that WIFI signals have side effects on the body and can interfere with sleep. And may cause cancer. So is there a way to stop the wireless signal?

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    How to Protect Phone from Being Tapped

    Hey, guys I've heard that there's a technology that allows others to eavesdrop on your phone, even if you're not using it. Since my company is a technology-based company, there are many confidential information, and I am very worried about people stealing our information through mobile phones. So, I want to know how to avoid phone hacking?

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    How to Block Vehicle Gps Tracking

    Hey, guys I've heard that there are more than just external tracking devices, and some GPS navigation will also collect personal data to track you. So how do I avoid this kind of tracking?

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    How to Block Cell Phone Signals in a Classroom

    Hello, everyone!How do you see the use of mobile phones in class? I am a middle school teacher. Recently, I found that more and more students use mobile phones in class. In addition to texting, they use their mobile phones to log on to facebook or youtube. I don't think these social apps will help them learn, so I want know how to stop cell phone signals in the classroom now

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    How to Block Cell Phone Signal at Work

    Hello, everyone!I am a personnel officer in a company. Recently, I've noticed that many employees use their mobile phones for hours at work. I wonder if there are any good ways to block their cell phone signals during work hours

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    How to Avoid Cell Phone Tracking

    Hello, everyone!Have you ever had any phone tapping? I'm a government employee, and we will several important meetings recently, and given the security of information, we need to prevent eavesdropping. Will mobile phone become the medium of wiretapping? How to avoid phone tapping?

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    How to Block Mobile Phone

    Hey, guys!I've been being harassed by the phone lately. I can't sleep. I live in an apartment, and the guy next door starts talking at 12 o 'clock every night for hours. I almost can't fall asleep. So, I want to know how to block cell phone signals, I hope to be quiet at least at night

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    What Is Gsm Jammer Device?

    What is GSM jamming device? Can other cell phone signals be interfered with in addition to GSM signals? For example, 4G

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    What Does Drone Jammer?

    I heard there's a device called a drone jammer. So what exactly is this type of device? Can we really deal with drones?

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    What Is a Gps Jamming Device

    I've only heard about this device on the Internet. Can the device jam all GPS signals? Including military GPS signals?

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    What Is Best Way to Block a Wifi Signal?

    Recently, I read an article on the Internet that hackers now invade personal smart devices by disguising WIFI. I'm worried about my phone being hacked. So I want to know how to blocker WIFI signals. When I sleep, I can stop the phone from automatically connecting to the WIFI.

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    How to Block off Wifi Signals

    Recently, my smart device always detects strange WIFI and tries to connect automatically. I think it's very unsafe. So I want to know how to stop WIFI signal access

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    What Is Frequency of Wifi Signal

    Hello, everyone!I want to buy a WIFI jamming device, but I'm not sure if the WIFI spectrum is different in different countries. Is there anyone who can answer for me? Thank you very much

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    What Does the Wifi Jammer?

    Hello, everyone! I heard there's a device called a WiFi jammer. How does the device work? What is the main purpose?

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    Should Students Be Allowed to Bring Mobile Phones into the Classroom or Not

    Faced with this problem, different people may have different opinions. I would allow them, but with some technology implemented to limit their accessibility. The easiest solution would be to install commercial-use cell-signal jammers into the classrooms. These could be small in area of effect, so after exiting the classroom, normal functionality would return.

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    Students Should Be Banned from Using Mobile Phones

    I believe the policy on cellphone use in high school should be strict in implementing a 'no phone' rule. Cellphones are a huge distraction that leave students not focused on their education but instead on a tweet. ... No phones in school allow for students to be students and not only learn but also to learn self-control when it comes to technology.

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    How Should Schools Manage Students' Mobile Phones

    Hi, everyone!I am the head of a school, recently we have a little trouble, we need your help. Recently, the use of mobile phones in our school has become more and more serious. Students not only use their mobile phones during classes, but also use them on tests. Also recently occurred by mobile phone to plan the violence.

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    Are Cell Phone Jammers Legal

    Hello, everyone! Is it legal to use the jamming device now? I'm very interested in this kind of equipment. I'm going to buy one recently. But I don't know if it is legal to buy such equipment now. I've heard that it's legal to use now. Is that true?

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    Should Allow Children to Use Mobile Phone in Shchool or Not

    No doubt every child now has at least one mobile phone. As smartphones become more widely available, children can use it to do more and more. There are many benefits, and children can quickly get the latest information and study on the Internet. But there is a crucial question: should children take their phones to school?

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    How to Prevent Drone Tracking

    Hello everyone!Recently I felt like I was being followed. When I was walking around, I could always find a drone following me in the sky. Most importantly, the drones have tiny cameras. I don't know who is stalking me for what purpose, but I feel that my privacy and security are seriously threatened. I have heard that there is a device that can stop the drone signal and want to know about the device.

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    • 136views
    What Is the Use of a Cellphone Jammer

    Hello, administrator!I heard about this device called mobile phone jammer on the Internet, but I don't know exactly where this device can be used, can you explain it to me?

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    How to Stop Cell Phone Signals in Church

    Hello, everyone!I'm a priest. I've had some trouble recently. Nowadays more and more people forget to turn off their cell phones during church service, even during the wedding. I don't think the holy church should have these voices, but I don't know how to stop them. I hope you can help me.

Welcome to Perfectjammer Wiki

Welcome to the world's most professional jammer wikipedia. It's all informations about cell phone jammers, GSM blockers, GPS disruptors, 3G / 4G / 5G/wi-fi/bluetooth scramblers, drone/uav jamming devices. This website is provided by Perfectjammer with professional support. Experts will answer all your questions from 9am to 7pm every day. If you have any questions about interference devices, please ask immediately and you will receive a reply soon