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    Signal Jamming? Does It Already Exist?

    Hi, everyone!I'm a student at the Seattle business school, and I've noticed that I don't get any cell phone reception on campus these days. I was told that I may have been affected by the jammer. Is this kind of thing popular now?

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    Can I Buy a Mobile Phone Jammer for Car?

    I have a bad habit. I always like to see a cell phone while driving. I know this is very dangerous, but always can't help to do it. Therefore, I want to know if there is a cell phone jammer can be used in the car

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    Can Canada Use 4g Mobile Phone Signal Jammers?

    Hello, everyone.I am a restaurant owner that living in Ottawa. I hope my customers can more concentrate on eating, not staring at their phones. I don't know whether we can use this device here. Because I can't find this product in nearby stores. Hope to get your help

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    • 65views
    How to Buy Wifi and Cell Phone Signal Jammers?

    I am a school leaders. Thanks to the popularity of smart devices, more and more people are using them to break school rules. Such as using cell phone in class to watch video or when the exam cheating. So, I want to try to use jammer to stop these actions. But I don't know where I can buy these devices

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    • 173views
    Whether Gps Jammers Can Anti-Tracking

    I am a Japanese society research scholars. I found that every year, Japan has more than 3000 women were missing. They have a common characteristic, had been people use GPS tracking. Therefore, I want to know, whether GPS jammers can prevent tracking

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    Now There Are 5g Jammers?

    With the popularization of 5G signals, more and more countries and cities began to use this new cell phone signal. So, keep quiet for a certain purpose, whether to have the corresponding jammer device?

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    • 70views
    Can Gps Jammers Be Used for Security?

    It is said that such device can be used in the security field. Politicians in many countries seem to be using similar devices. Mr. Putin has used such equipment in the kremlin. So I was wondering if civilian security companies could use the same kind of equipment? Do such devices really work?

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    • 50views
    How to Protect Privacy?

    Recently, with the popularity of smart phones, more and more people use such devices. This device brings us a lot of convenience, but it also gives away our privacy. Many mobile apps now come with location sharing features, some even hidden. Without knowing it, our position has been revealed. So what can we do to protect our privacy?

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    • 160views
    Gps Jamming Devices Can Affect Drones?

    The drone attacks that were reported earlier have caused panic in many countries. Therefore, people pay more and more attention to protecting their own safety. How to jamming these drones has become a focus of research for many security companies. Our company is also working on this project. Is it true that GPS jamming devices can jamming drones?

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    • 184views
    Does Wifi Radiation Cause Brain Disease?

    I'm an IT worker. I have been living in WiFi radiation for a long time. Recently I found myself with headaches and nausea. My colleagues suffer from the same symptoms.So I wonder if the symptoms are caused by wi-fi radiation. How to avoid this symptom?

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    • 113views
    How to Prevent Women from Being Tracked by Gps?

    Hello, everyone!I want get some hlep here. GPS tracking has been rampant for the past two years. You can easily buy a GPS tracking device. Currently, GPS tracking devices are the direct cause of more than 3,000 women being sexually abused each year. Every day, thousands of women are being followed, and they live in fear. Is there any way to change this situation?

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    • 190views
    Can Use a Electronic Jamming Device in Classroom?

    Nowadays more and more students use all kinds of electronic devices. Many students are attracted by these devices. Students become unable to concentrate on their lessons. So, can electronic signal jammers be used in the classroom?

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    • 51views
    How to Get a Anti-Wifi Jammers?

    It is estimated that many people have seen recent reports about the impact of WiFi on human health. I believe it. So I took down my WiFi at home. But I'm still worried about the Wi-Fi around me. Therefore, I want to find a anti-WIFI signal jamming device. How can I get a device like this?

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    • 99views
    How to Block Cell Phone Signals in Public Places

    I've met people who talk on the phone loudly in public more than once. Sometimes you have to listen to someone tell you the menu for dinner for half an hour. I can't stand it any more. So I wonder if there's a way to block cell phone signals

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    • 191views
    How to Block Wireless Signals in Large Stores

    I've heard that a lot of hackers have recently set up fake WIFI in large stores to steal other people's information. This makes me very worried about the security of my smart device. Is there any way to block wireless access?

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    • 67views
    How to Jam Mobile Phone Signals in School

    With more and more applications of mobile phones, more and more people pay attention to mobile phones. As a result, many students are still paying attention to their mobile phones in classroom. Our school has been looking for an effective way to prevent students from being distracted. Can you give me some advice?

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    • 170views
    Does Long Use of Cell Phones Affect Intelligence

    According to statistics, students who use mobile phones for a long time have lower attention and intelligence than their peers. As a education worker, I felt it was necessary to prevent this from happening. So what's a good way to stop students from using mobile phones in school?

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    • 109views
    Are Cell Phone Signal Harmful to the Brain

    I recently read a report that receiving cell phone signals for a long time is harmful to the brain. This message really freaked me out. If the news is true, how can I protect myself?

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    • 176views
    How to Ban Cell Phone Signal in Court

    It has to be said that the court is a place that needs to be kept quiet. But with the popularity of mobile phones, cell phone ringtones are now always heard during court sessions. So, as a staff member, we were wondering how to ban cell phone signals from entering the court

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    • 188views
    What Can Jam Mobile Phone Signal

    I wonder if there is any device that can block cell phone signal? Although cell phones are a great invention. But I can't stand my neighbors talking loudly on the phone every night

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    How to Stop Using Cell Phones in Theater

    If you're watching a play in a theater, How do you feel when suddenly the cellphone screen of the audience around you lights up? As a theater worker, I have received similar complaints more than once. Is there any good way to stop this?

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    How to Jam a Drone

    As more and more illegal drones appear, the security of the city is seriously threatened. As an airport worker, we often encounter aircraft landing and delays caused by drones. So I want to know how to stop drones

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    • 106views
    How to Protect Bank Network Security

    Because many customers at the bank now prefer to connect to free WIFI to pass the time of waiting. So this gives hackers a chance. I heard hackers can set up a free fake WIFI. Once connected, it will invade your device. Recently a lot of customers' personal information has been stolen while they are waiting in our bank. So I wonder if there is any good way to protect the network security around the bank

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    • 188views
    Where Can Buy Large Range Mobile Jamming Devices

    Hey, guys. Recently, our school will invite a famous person to give a speech. But I'm worried about students using mobile phones during their presentations. So I want to buy a wide range of mobile jammers. But don't know where to buy it

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    • 108views
    How to Avoid Important People Being Tracked

    I'm a security guard. Recently our company has taken on an order to protect an important person. In the United States, however, it is easy to set up a GPS tracker. Is there an effective way to reverse track?

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    • 58views
    Conference Rooms Should Block Wifi Signals

    Almost every commercial office in the United States now has WIFI, which was supposed to be very convenient. However, many people connect to WIFI in the conference room. So I want to know how to prevent them from using WIFI in meetings

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    • 189views
    How to Avoid Being Affected by Nearby Wifi

    Hey, guys. I recently discovered a strange phenomenon. When I turn on my PS4 at night, I always find that I can't connect to my own WIFI router. I checked with the repairman and found that it was affected by nearby WIFI. So how can I avoid being affected by the surrounding WIFI?

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    How to Avoid Unsecured Wifi Access

    Now in a big shopping mall or restaurant, you will always see some free WIFI. I was always connected. But recently, when I heard that this might be a hacker's trap, I began to worry a bit about the security of my smart devices. How can I avoid accessing suspicious WIFI?

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    • 182views
    Can Use a Car Anti Tracking Gps Blocker

    As far as I know, the United States currently has the highest crime rate of using GPS. GPS trackers are easily available on the market. Therefore, I would like to know if GPS jamming devices can be used to avoid being tracked

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    • 133views
    Is It Necessary to Block Campus Wifi

    Since the school is covered by WIFI, students always link to WIFI to browse various information. Although you can learn a lot on the Internet, it is no substitute for normal courses. So, I was wondering, how can I prohibit students from connecting to WIFI during class time

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    • 79views
    Should Hospitals Block Wifi and Cell Phone Signals

    As a doctor, I often hear loud calls outside the ward these days. This has seriously affected my work. I even heard loud phone calls outside the operating room. In addition, many staff also use hospital WIFI to see video. The quiet atmosphere in the hospital was gone. So I want to know how to block WIFI and cell phone

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    • 105views
    How Can Both Jam Cell Phone and Wifi Signal

    As a college teacher, I have to say that because the school is covered with WIFI, students no longer pay attention to class. They connect to WIFI and then watch video in class or chat on social software. So I want to know how to jam cell phone signals and WIFI signals. Because I know that even without WIFI, they will use their own data traffic

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    • 126views
    How to Jam a Bluetooth Signal

    I heard there are now hackers who can hack into smart devices via bluetooth. So I was worried about the intrusion. So I want to know how to block bluetooth transmission.

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    • 163views
    Can Jamming Devices Be Used at Gas Stations

    It is very dangerous for the gas station because there is a spark when you answer the phone. But is there nothing to stop it. So I wonder if I can use the jamming device at the gas station?

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    • 135views
    Can Jam Cell Phone Signals in Restaurants

    As a restaurant worker, I have to say that it is very impolite to answer the phone loudly during dinner. But there is no doubt that advice is useless. So I want to know how to block the cellphone signal and give other guests a comfortable dining environment

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    • 196views
    Why Don't Use Cell Phone at the Cinema

    As a movie buff, I can't stand it when someone answers the phone during the movie. I know that there is a kind of jamming device that can block cell phone signal. Can the cinema use it?

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    • 73views
    How to Protect Home Network Security

    Recently, it has been heard that many hackers build fake free WIFI to hack into personal smart devices. It makes me feel very worry. Because every home now has so many smart devices, it's possible to get away with it if you're not careful. Therefore, I would like to ask if there is any way to protect the home network security

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    How to Prevent the Disclosure of Company Secrets

    Our company is an Internet company, Many confidential documents are kept in the company computer. Recently, we have a competitor in front of us. We are worried that they will hire hackers to steal our data. I've heard that hackers can hack not only through physical wires, but also through wireless networks. How do we stop this invasion?

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    • 184views
    How to Prevent Hackers from Intruding Through Wireless Networks

    Hey, guys. It seems that the Internet is not safe these days. It is reported that hackers can now hack into smart devices and steal personal information through wireless networks. That sounds horrible. So I want to know, how to prevent hackers from invading from wireless networks

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    • 87views
    How to Prevent the Harm of Wifi Signal to Human

    I've heard that WIFI is radioactive and does great harm to people. Although I have removed my WIFI router from my home, there are other WIFI nearby. So I want to know how to keep these wi-fi signals out of my room

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    • 158views
    How to Block Wifi in Office Areas

    There is WIFI in the office area of my company. As a result, many employees connect to WIFI in the toilet and do not return to the office area for a long time. So, I want to know if there is a way to block this WIFI signal?

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    • 136views
    How to Prevent Children from Using Wifi at Night

    Thanks to the popularity of smart devices, almost everyone has a smartphone. Of course, our children also deserve the gift of technology. But I find that many children are still connected to WIFI and using mobile phones late at night. So I was wondering what could be done to prevent kids from connecting to WIFI late at night?

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    • 144views
    How to Block Cell Phone Signal in Library

    I'm a librarian. With the popularization of mobile phones, more and more people have mobile phones. More and more people answer the telephone in the library. The atmosphere in the library was seriously damaged. So I want to know how to block cell phone signals in the library

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    • 187views
    Can Use Drone Jammer in Prison

    I'm a prison worker. As drones have become more sophisticated recently, many have used them to transport contraband to prisons. I know of a drone jamming device that can handle this. But I don't know that it's legal in the United States or not

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    • 135views
    Can Use a Signal Jammer in Exam Room?

    As an educator, nothing is more worrying than cheating in exams. I heard that other countries use jamming devices to prevent students from cheating in exams. Is it true? Can it be used in the United States?

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    • 117views
    Where Can Buy a Drone Jammer Gun?

    I read on the Internet that many countries already use a device called an anti-drone gun. This looks cool. I wonder where I can buy this kind of equipment?

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    • 180views
    Can Wifi Jammers Stop Hackers?

    I saw in the report that hackers can now hack through wireless networks. So can I block hackers if I use WIFI jamming devices?


Welcome to Perfectjammer Wiki

Welcome to the world's most professional jammer wikipedia. It's all informations about cell phone jammers, GSM blockers, GPS disruptors, 3G / 4G / 5G/wi-fi/bluetooth scramblers, drone/uav jamming devices. This website is provided by Perfectjammer with professional support. Experts will answer all your questions from 9am to 7pm every day. If you have any questions about interference devices, please ask immediately and you will receive a reply soon