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    Whether Wifi and Cell Phone Signals Are Harmful to Human Health

    Many electromagnetic waves now emit harmful radiation, but many people are not aware of the danger. For example, we often use smart phones, it can emit blue light that is harmful to our eyes, but also emit a kind of radiation that is harmful to human body, especially when people are sleeping, it will unknowingly affect your brain. Long-term exposure to this radiation can cause hair loss and disrupt your sleep. The same is true of our frequent exposure to WiFi. Do we have an effective way to protect our health?

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    Intrusion from Wifi Signals into Smart Devices

    If you like watching science fiction movies, you may often see artificial intelligence controlling all the tools of human beings through intelligent devices, thus threatening human beings. This may just be a possible threat in the future. But with the development of smart devices, our lives have become more intelligent and convenient, but also extremely unsafe. Once someone breaks into your home's smart devices, you're likely to be monitored

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    • 158views
    How Can Spy Gps Trackers Be Stopped

    More than once in the movie, we saw handsome agents tracking targets through various trackers, which is amazing and makes people feel very cool! But, does anyone know, now this phenomenon has frequently appeared in reality, happened in our side. Yes, you might have been stalked without even noticing. But most of us can't do anything about it, so how do we deal with it?

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    • 157views
    Mobile Phone Apps Secretly Reveal Our Location

    We all know that smart phone apps have location sharing, and of course, we all have the option to turn it off, but then, that's not the case. What many people may not know is that, in addition to software, the phone's GPS system also sends location results to departments that collect information. In general, we are becoming less and less private. So how do we defend our rights?

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    • 148views
    Has Gps Become a Tool for Monitoring Residents

    Although, I know a lot of people don't believe that. But it is. I now find myself tracked every day. I don't know if it's the government or some organization, but I think the main reason is the abuse of GPS. Now GPS has become a tool to monitor our residents. How can we protect our privacy from prying eyes?

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    Is Gps Really Safe as a Strategic Resource for the United States

    As we all know, the GPS system was developed by the United States for precision strikes. Although many of its functions are now intended for civilian use, it is still used by the U.S. military. So the question is, is it safe enough for other countries to use this system? Will some secrets be leaked to us intelligence agencies? How can we try to avoid this?

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    How to Avoid Wifi Stolen by Others

    Is there any program that can crack WiFi passwords and connect to private networks? I recently found out that my home WiFi might be connected. Because recently I have found that my Internet speed has become very slow in the evening, I suspect that the Internet may be stolen. How to prevent this from happening?

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    How to Avoid Being Tracked?

    Hello, please listen to me. Something terrible happened to me. I am a beautiful girl, I seem to have been tracked recently. Yes, whether I'm driving or walking, I can always see someone near me, and I can feel the prying eyes that drive me crazy. And the police don't actively deal with this kind of thing, just let me notice. What should I do?

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    • 133views
    The Signal in the Library Became Very Weak

    Recently, a very strange thing happened to me when I went to the school library, my mobile phone had almost no signal in the library, and I missed several calls from my friends. What's the reason?

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    The Cell Phone Signal Disappeared During the Exam

    Recently, there is examination week in our school, it is very common thing, but one thing is different from previous years, during the examination period, if you are too close to the classroom, your mobile phone will lose signal, what is happening?

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    • 61views
    Can Use a Mobile Phone for a Long Time Really Myopic

    My child likes using mobile phone very much. He will chat with his mobile phone and watch video all day long. He hardly ever sees him put down his mobile phone. So I wonder if this will make him short-sighted prematurely, and if there is any way to stop him from using his mobile phone continuously

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    • 200views
    Whether School Wifi Will Harm Health

    The whole area of our school is covered with WiFi signal, I have to say it is really convenient, but recently I read reports that WiFi is harmful to people, especially minors. I think this may seriously damage the health of my students. Is there any way to isolate these WiFi signals?

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    I Want to Ban Students from Using Mobile Phones in Class

    I am a new teacher, because I have little experience, so the students do not fear me at all. There are always a lot of students in my class who use their phones, oh yeah, maybe they are using facebook and twitter.I want to change that. Is there a good way to make them unable to use their phones?

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    • 190views
    Cell Phone Reception in the Church Was Very Weak

    During a recent prayer service in church, I found that my cell phone reception was so weak that I could barely receive calls or messages.Nothing like this had happened before, but since the phone rang so often at prayer recently, the signal in the church had become very weak

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    Missing Cell Phone Signal on the Train

    I have to say this is a very strange thing. Several times recently I've been on a train to Devon and lost my mobile phone signal for no apparent reason.What is the cause of my complete inability to answer phone calls and receive any messages on the train? Signal interference?

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    • 155views
    Can Signal Interference Be Kept in the Office

    Recently, I bought a phone jammer online and put it in our office area.The results were good. There were significantly fewer slacking behaviors at work. But recently I heard that this kind of equipment has radiation to human body and is harmful to health. Is it true?

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    The U.S. Navy Faces Gps Jamming

    The U.S. navy recently faced a major problem, blocking Iranian sea traffic with GPS signals that caused the entire fleet to lose direction. Due to the over-reliance on GPS, once the GPS loses its positioning function, the us navy is basically blind.

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    • 52views
    Is Cell Phone Signal Necessary in School

    Nowadays, cell phones are very popular all over the world, so more and more students start to use cell phones. Although mobile phone can let students get more knowledge, children are easy to get addicted to it, thus affecting the class

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    How Do U.S. Citizens Feel About Signal Interference

    According to incomplete statistics, most American citizens are understandable about the phenomenon of signal interference. Because they think somewhere needs to be quiet. Not every place is where you answer the phone

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    Israeli Warplanes Have Been Gps Jamming by Russia

    Russia, which inherited the research achievements of the Soviet era, has unique advantages in electronic signals. For example, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of electromagnetic signal interference and use. As a result, in electronic warfare, Russia is largely invincible, and Israeli warplanes are said to have been recently disrupted by Russia

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    • 194views
    Gps Signals Jamming Weapons Create Problems on the Battlefield in Syria

    GPS jamming weapons have become America's biggest obstacle on the battlefield in Syria.Many of America's advanced drones have been affected by GPS jamming, and some of its most advanced stealth drones have been captured by Syria, intercepting large amounts of top-secret data. So whether the device is currently spread over GPS jammers?

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    • 119views
    Gps Is Becoming America's Achilles Heel

    The United States, though, has developed the global positioning system, or GPS, as the most powerful aid to military precision strikes. But with the development of technology, more and more countries begin to interfere with the GPS signals of the United States

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    Signal Jamming Weapons in the Future Battlefield

    Both the United States and Russia are reportedly working hard to develop signal-jamming weapons in an effort to gain an edge in electronic warfare. So what's the use of these jamming devices?

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    • 74views
    5g Phones Went on Sale in China in September

    Hello, everyone. I have a 4G signal jammer, and it works very well all the time.But recently I heard that 5G mobile phones are going to be available in China. I'm worried that my jamming device won't work anymore. What should I do?

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    • 118views
    Can I Interfere with Data Traffic Service Rather Than Call Function Indoors?

    Can block only the network functions in the room and not the calls? I mean I want to block the use of skype, facebook and other social software on smartphones and tablets. But we still need to preserve cell phone calls as a means of communication between employees. So you can't block the cell phone signal itself, can you do that? What kind of jamming equipment do I need to buy?

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    • 191views
    How to Stop Spy Drones?

    Hi, I'm very concerned about drone spying.Could this device be used to spy on the general population? Could I also be monitored? I heard that there are already self-driving drones for surveillance and spying, and whether our privacy will become more insecure

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    How to Protect Yourself from Government Drones?

    I read about us drones spying on civilians.I wonder if there's a way to avoid tracking or ban it? I don't do anything illegal, I just want to be safe and not under the constant surveillance! Many thanks in advance, any help will be appreciated!

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    • 98views
    Can Block Access to Social Networks in the Office?

    Hello, every oneI have tried to limit the access to these social networking sites on the computer, but my employees can still visit by smartphone or other mobile devices. So, in the face of such situation, what can I do?

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    • 73views
    Can I Stop Be Tracked?

    Hi, brothers! I've found some spy cameras in my house via spy camera finding device. May be there is also GPS tracker in my car I guess. How can I to stop them?

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    How to Protect My Smartphone Form Spying?

    Recently, I found my smart phone seems to be spy tools to monitor. How do I in does not affect my other equipment under the condition of normal operation to stop this espionage?

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    • 66views
    Can 4g Jammers Prevent Cheating After 5g Phones Come out

    With the arrival of 5G, our life seems to have changed a lot. Our school is now facing such a problem. We need to purchase a batch of jammers to prevent students from cheating. However, I do not know whether the 4G signal interference equipment purchased will work properly after 5G is popularized.

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    Can I Use the Jammer in the Meeting Room

    Hello, everyoneOur company is a high-tech company. Competitors often eavesdrop on our meetings to steal information. So we found mobile interference devices on the Internet, which seems to be an effective way. So does this device really work in a conference room?

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    • 149views
    Cell Phone Jammers Can Replace Faraday Cages?

    Hello, everyone Our school planned to build a large Faraday cage, but it was very expensive. I've seen on the Internet that cell phone jammers do the same thing, and they're much cheaper. Does that mean the device can replace the Faraday cage?

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    • 57views
    How Can Drone Smuggling Be Stopped

    I'm a prison worker. More recently, prisoners have been using drones to smuggle their way over the walls. Is there a good way to stop them?

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    • 133views
    Can Schools Jam Cell Phone Signals

    Can schools now disable cell phone signals at will? My middle school has started installing a device called a cell phone jammer. Does the school have the right to do so?

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    When Will 5g Jammers Appear?

    Hello, everyone! It is said that huawei will release the first 5G mobile phone this year. Will there be 5G jammer soon? I just bought a 4G jammer. I wonder, after 5G comes out, will my jammer still work?

Welcome to Perfectjammer Wiki

Welcome to the world's most professional jammer wikipedia. It's all informations about cell phone jammers, GSM blockers, GPS disruptors, 3G / 4G / 5G/wi-fi/bluetooth scramblers, drone/uav jamming devices. This website is provided by Perfectjammer with professional support. Experts will answer all your questions from 9am to 7pm every day. If you have any questions about interference devices, please ask immediately and you will receive a reply soon