Anonymous Call Blocker For Cell Phones Make Exams Fair

Interference refers to the interference caused by the system itself and various systems, such as frequency interference, multipath interference, etc. Noise is an irregular extra signal that is not present in the original signal after passing through the cell phone jammer device. The signal is related to the environment and does not change with the original signal. Millions of state governments, police agencies, entertainment facilities, hospitals, airports, railway stations, bus stations, etc. are all very promising markets for 3G/4G Anonymous Call Blocker For Cell Phones . The main types of examinations in China are: taking exams by themselves like adults, national exams, civil service exams, etc., preventing students from using high-tech, using jammers in the exam room to release students' advanced skills, and continuing signal jamming can make exams more fair and just.
The Anonymous Call Blocker For Cell Phones in the exam room is the full frequency band. It can block all 2G 3G 4G signals, 2.4G WIFI signals and Bluetooth signals of the three major operators of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. It works by interfering with its own frequency. Cell phones receive frequencies sent by base stations and wireless routers, thereby shielding them. This can't be avoided by cracking the number and band, because no matter which number or band you use, it's within its blocking range. Also bluetooth software is not acceptable, as its frequencies are also blocked by cell phone jammers. The only way to do it is to install a cell phone booster near where the cell phone jammer is used to fight it.