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FAQ Jammers List

  • Where to buy a cheap cell phone jammer?

    This is a difficult question to answer. Because different countries have different channels to buy cheap jammers. For example, North America, perfectjammer is a good choice.


  • How to prevent a drone assassination?

    This issue has been the focus of attention recently. The drone attack on August 9th, though unsuccessful, sent a signal. Killing weapons are getting smaller and smarter. Correspondingly, it is increasingly difficult to prevent. But it is not impossible to prevent.


  • Where can buy a drone jammer gun?

    In order to protect your daily life from being disturbed, we recommend that you use the drone jammer gun. This device can not only blocker with the general 2.4Ghz radio frequency, but also can jam the latest 5.8 Ghz radio frequency. This type of jammer's block range up to 1500 meters, and even high-altitude UAV can be shot down.


  • How can buy a cigarette lighter GPS jammer?

    For the sake of portability, the cigarette lighter type GPS signal jammer is the best choice. After all, it takes a long time to use in the car, and it will be very inconvenient if you can't charge it in the car.


  • How disable a drone signal?

    There are many illegal drones in the United States. The government has no intention of regulating the chaotic drone market. So if you want to deal with illegal drones, you have to do it yourself.


  • How can buy a wireless signals jammer?

    Of course, you can get a wireless jamming device. But, you can't get it in US. It is hard to buy this kind of equipment in the shop because of the policy. So there are other ways to get this kind of equipment in the United States.


  • Where can buy a cell phone jammer?

    It's hard to buy signal jammers in the United States for policy reasons. But you always need one for a variety of reasons, right?


  • How can jamming cell phone signals?

    Imagine a noisy phone ringing next to you when you dine quietly. The phone rang when you were watching a great movie. At this time, maybe you need a cell phone signal jammer.


  • What does the uses of cell phone blocker?

    With the popularity of jamming devices in recent years, you've probably heard of signal blocker.But what's the purpose of this device, you know?


  • How to make GPS jamming devices?

    Getting a GPS jamming device in the United States is not easy. So some people will want to do one themselves. But this is highly impractical. Because first of all you need to have a very professional knowledge of physics and hands-on ability. Second, it takes a lot of time to adjust. Therefore, it is better to buy one online.


  • Now more and more apps are equipped with GPS positioning function. This feature is easy to use for tracing. Therefore, it is easy to be used by hackers and criminals. It's very dangerous.


  • How to disable cell phone signals in working time?

    Indeed, there are many times when you need to block cell phone signal at work. Not to mention that some tech companies want to block cell phone signals for security reasons. Of course, cell phone signals still exist.


  • How disable 4G signals?

    Although 4G signals are needed, they still need to be blocked in some special cases. For example, during an exam, or during a confidential meeting. But America still has no effective solution


  • Can shoot down drone in US?

    Because the United States has no special control over drones. So there are still a lot of illegal drones out there. So, if you're dealing with these drones, I think it's legal


  • Cell phone signal jammer is a device for cellular signal. When turned on, a signal vacuum can be formed quickly. Effectively block all kinds of cell phone signals


  • Public places should disable mobile phone signal?

    Usually, most of the answers are to ban cell phone signals. I think most people are fed up with the sudden ringing of cell phones in cinemas and theatres. Therefore, it is necessary to block cell phone signals in public places.


  • How building your own GPS jammer?

    This is a very practical idea. When your rights are not protected, you need to protect them by yourself. But it's hard to make the equipment yourself. You need some knowledge of circuits and hands-on skills. Fortunately, such devices are now available in online stores.


  • How to disable a GPS tracking?

    How to block a GPS tracking signal, this may be a majority of americans want to know. Tracking devices are often installed in the United States because human rights are not protected. Even so, people still want to avoid being tracked. That's why we have a GPS signal jammer.


  • Can buy mobile phone block in US?

    Cell phone signal jammer are hard to buy in stores because of U.S. policy. Usually you can only buy such device through online stores.


  • How can blocker drone signal?

    Due to the increasingly advanced technology of unmanned aerial vehicles, many of them are used for illegal purposes. These drones have been used for invasion of privacy, smuggling and other purposes. For a variety of reasons, we need to shoot down these drones.


  • What does car blocker?

    Car GPS signal jammer is a device to prevent GPS tracking. After this device turn on, GPS signals within a range of 5 to 15 meters can be quickly blocked. Effectively prevent from being tracked.


  • Sometimes we have to put up with loud phone calls in public places like cinemas. Most people want to block their cell phone signal when they watch a movie. But the phone still bell rings.


  • Teacher can use mobile phone jammers?

    In the face of more and more technological means of cheating, relying on traditional means alone has difficult to stop. Because students don't just rely on mobile networks to cheat, they also use technology like bluetooth to cheat.


  • How to block phone tapping

    With advances in technology, mobile phone tapping is no longer seen only in movies. In the United States, it's easy for your phone to be tapped. So you need to learn to protect your privacy.


  • What is a cell phone jammer used for?

    Cell phone scrambler can be used in places like hospitals, churches, movie theatres and other places with performances, and other buildings where and when the use of mobile telephones may result in a leak of sensitive information


  • How to make a cell phone jammer?

    Cell phone jammer creates strong interference for communication between the caller and receiver. It is efficient in blocking transmission of signals from networks including UMTS, 3G, CDMA, GSM and PHS.


  • How to kill cell phone signal?

    Cell phone scrambler is a blocking device of cell phones, which sends the blocking signals to towers from the same frequency range of the cell phones, the interference cause the cell phone to lose the signals from the station.


  • How to stop cell phone signal?

    Undoubtedly, the most convenient method is to use cell phone signal jammer. There are ways to build Faraday cages, but they are expensive and not portable.


  • How to jam a cell phone?

    Perhaps you've heard that some libraries are already using a device called a cell phone scrambler. The main purpose of the device is to keep order and quiet on site, and to disable access to mobile phone signals.


  • How to block cell phone signal?

    All cell phones which use GSM800 have their transmitted and received frequencies always separated by 45MHz. So when the mobile phone tries to call, it is blocked by its own signal returning to it


  • What device can disable cell phones?

    Such devices exist, and a device called a cell phone jammer has been used in many public places. Disrupting a cell phone is the same as jamming any other type of radio communication.


  • What is a cell phone scrambler?

    Although cell phones are considered to be one of the most important devices, there will be many situations where they can become a torture. They can even spoil some of your most beautiful moments and events. Many times, we will be disturbed by calls when we are in an urgent meeting or situation


  • What is cell phone jamming device?

    Cell phone jammer can disrupting the communication between the phone and the cell-phone base station, effectively disabling mobile phones within the range of the jammer, preventing them from receiving signals.


  • How to buy cell phone jammers?

    Because of the particularity of the cell phone jammer device, it is difficult to buy the general store. So you can only buy it in an online store.


  • How to drone jammer work?

    The drone operates in the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz at a distance of from 200 to 2000 meters and more, depending on the location, power of the device and the distance from the operator.


  • How to prevent WIFI hackers?

    However, with the popularity of WIFI, there are some bad effects. For example, hackers can easily steal data from your computer through the WIFI network.


  • How to anti-GPS tracking?

    With the progress of science and technology, positioning technology is becoming more and more developed, personal privacy is increasingly threatened.


  • How to jammer GPS signals?

    Find a GPS jammer that fits your needs and budget. The device can block GPS tracking devices from sending signals to its receiver. Be careful, though, some of these can block signals only up to few meters.


  • Why buy GPS jammer?

    With advances in technology, there is always the tendency to relinquish more and more of our privacy. GPS tracking cell phone technology is no different.


  • What can a GPS jammer do?

    Most GPS blocker vehicle anti-tracker are built for military uses, for instance, to confuse the enemy on where their exact location is or where the enemies satellite positioning guided missiles or bombs will fall.


  • Can use cell phone jammer in church?

    In Monterrey, the Sacred Heart church, a baroque temple favored by Mexico's elite for weddings, church officials acquired their blockers two years ago.


  • Can jam both 4G and WIFI signals at the same time?

    At present, France, Japan, China and other countries have used this cell phone jammer on a large scale. Used in education to prevent students from cheating and using mobile phones during class. In addition, some business owners also purchase such equipment for meeting rooms and office areas.


  • Can be used cell phone jammer in car?

    Although we usually use cell phone jammer indoors. However, this does not mean that the jamming device can only be used in a specific range. Jamming devices can also be used in cars.


  • Jammer signals will harmful to the human body?

    There are often concerns about whether the radio waves of the jammer can be harmful to humans. But in fact, the radio waves generated by the cell phone jammer are very weak to other objects in addition to interfering with cellular signals.


  • Does the jammer block other electronic device signals?

    There are also cell phone jammer that can interfere with a wide range of frequencies. However, this type of jammer can choose to turn on or off a single frequency. So, in general, the jammer does not interfere with other frequencies.


  • What is the use of cellphone jammer?

    Cell phone jammer is a device that blocks transmission or reception of signals, usually by creating some form of interference at the same frequency ranges that cell phones use. As a result, a cell phone user will either lose the signal or experience a significant loss of signal quality.


  • Are cell phone jammers legal in schools?

    It is now legal to use jammers in schools such as France, Japan and China. Japan and China have been using cell phone jammer for a long time. Now Europe is beginning to accept the use of jamming devices.


  • Is there a remote control jammer?

    Although we may be used to starting the jamming device ourselves. But the latest remote-controlled cell phone jammer have appeared. The jamming device has a remote control like a car electronic lock. Remote control can be done with the buttons on the remote control.


  • How to cell phone jammer work?

    Cell phone jamming devices overpower the cell phone by transmitting a signal on the same frequency and at a high enough power that the two signals collide and cancel each other out. Cell phones are designed to add power if they experience low-level interference, so the jammer must recognize and match the power increase from the phone.


  • What's the cell phone jammers?

    There are many legal purposes for using them in some peoples everyday lives. Cellular based security systems testing, cell phone testing, wireless product testing, and GPS product testing are areas where technicians use them all the time to verify their equipment is working without actually causing unnecessary calls to 911 centers. Many schools, theatres, movie shops, dorms, auditoriums, restaurants, and so forth can also use them legally.


  • According to the frequency classification, the jammer can be divided into cell phone jammer, GSM jammers, GPS jamming device, WIFI blocker, drone jammer.


  • What should pay attention to before buying the jammer?

    The cell phone jammer is customized according to the frequency bands of different countries, please confirm that the purchase country and the actual use country are consistent. Otherwise it can not be used.Please read the jammer function before purchasing. If the low power jammers(such as handheld jammers) to blocker signal device(such asWIFI router, Bluetooth audio equipment, etc.), the effect will be poor or even can not jammer. It is forbidden to use while charging. Do not use handheld jammers as desktop jammers. Do not use jammers before connecting the antenna.


  • Can jammers be used at extreme temperatures?

    For purposes of use, cell phone jammer is rarely used in extreme environments. Therefore, the use of extreme environments is not considered in the design. Usually the jammer can work in an environment from -10℃ to 50℃. If the temperature is too low, the jammer may need to be warmed up for a period of time to work properly. If the temperature is too high, prolonged use may cause damage to the jammer.


  • Is the jammer waterproof?

    The cell phone jammer is also has waterproof type. This kind of jammer can usually prevent water dripping and splashing. It can be used outdoors or without sealing environment.


  • What's the difference between GSM and CDMA?

    CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System for Mobiles) are shorthand for the two major radio systems used in cell phones. The two cellular standards function in different regions and allow for global communication between individuals, and each converts incoming and outgoing data into radio waves differently.


  • What's the difference between desktop jammer and handheld jammer?

    Hand-held cell phone jammer are lightweight and easy to carry. There are two types: common and vehicular type. Vehicle-mounted type is a popular type at present. It can be recharged by cigarette lighter and can be used for a long time.


  • How long can jammer work?

    The working time of the jammer is determined by its built-in battery. Different cell phone jammer have different battery capacities. Usually the smallest interfering device can work for more than two hours, and a large capacity can work for 4-6 hours.


  • What is frequency band?

    A frequency band is an interval in the frequency domain, delimited by a lower frequency and an upper frequency. The term may refer to a radio band or an interval of some other spectrum. Frequency band is an important standard for cell phone jammer The frequency range is different, the signal that can disturb is different.


  • What is MHz mean?

    The megahertz, abbreviated MHz, is a unit of alternating current (AC) or electromagnetic (EM) wave frequency equal to one million hertz (1,000,000 Hz). MHz is a common unit of signal frequency used to distinguish different frequencies.


  • What is jammers?

    To put it simply, a cell phone jammer is, fundamentally, a signal blocking device, which transmits synchronized radio waves on the same frequency range of the device that one needs to blur, therefore preventing devices from transmitting data in the chosen area.
