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Three Tanzanians have been arrested for allegedly using a remote car signal jammer to break into vehicles and rob the owners of their valuables


Three Tanzanians have been arrested on suspicion of using a remote car signal jammers to break into vehicles and rob the owners of their valuables.

The suspects were named by police as laboratory technician Ruderick Benedict, 29, businessman Cassian Pascal, 39, and unemployed Haji Yussifu, 29.

Mr. Frederick Adu Anim, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP), Chief of Accra District Police, told reporters in Accra that in the middle of last year, the Accra Police Command Airport recorded a number of vehicle thefts from shopping malls, leisure areas. And social center. Falls within its jurisdiction.

To counter this trend, the region has held multiple stakeholder meetings and launched education programs using the media to educate the public, businesses and private security operators on how to monitor the security threat activities of these criminals.

Subsequently, he said, locations where such crimes are recorded are monitored.

Cellular Signal Jammer Combine

Mr. Adu Anim said at about 2 p.m. On January 13 this year, airport police received a report that a vehicle had been broken into at Palace Mall, Flower Pot, near Spintex Road.

The police subsequently requested further analysis and investigation of the CCTV footage and developed an operational strategy based on the intelligence gathered and critical observations of the CCTV footage.

At around 11.30pm last Friday, two men went to the Palace Mall again to start the operation.

He said one of the suspects was arrested by police with the support of private security guards at the mall, and the vehicle used by the suspects was also confiscated.

Acting on intelligence, police found the suspect's hideout and quickly launched an operation that led to the capture of two other suspects in American House, East Legon and Adjiringanor.

They were found with passports in hand, preparing to leave the country.

Police said the suspect went to shopping malls, parking lots, entertainment centers and other public places, lurking in the parking lot, using interference equipment to remotely intercept the victim's car lock.

In this way, they can use the vehicle and steal all the valuables, money and bolts.

Mr Adu Anim said the suspects confirmed to police that they had travelled to Ghana as tourists in April 2019 and May 2019 and left and returned on January 6 this year, staying at a hotel in Adjiringanor. And rented a Toyota Corolla to facilitate their activities. Until luck slips away and leads to their arrest.

During the arrest, police recovered two remote car electronic jammers from the suspect, he said.

As such, the regional police commander advised the public to always be on the lookout for criminals loitering around parking Spaces and to check their car doors to ensure they are properly locked before parking their cars in the parking lot. .

He also urged people not to leave valuables in their cars.

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