Blocking Cell Phone Calls Straight To Voicemail Damages Management System

With the improvement of people's living standards, middle school students usually have their own mobile phones or other electronic devices, which brings great inconvenience to the school management system. Students stay up late, use mobile phone text messages, and go online. In broad daylight, the students are sluggish in teaching, and most of them are bowing their heads to sleep. Mobile apps are rampant in classes these days, and students now feel they have the right to use Blocking Cell Phone Calls Straight To Voicemail in class. They did not ask for a sign, and because they had already sent messages, listened to music or watched videos or videos on their phones, they had to sign up multiple times, and some students even connected or made calls in class.
Many customers called and said that I needed a Blocking Cell Phone Calls Straight To Voicemail that can shield a radius of 50 meters, an interval of 500 meters, and a radius of 1 km, and that it needs to be shielded from the three networks of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. Is there a problem with the client's request? No problem, and specific spacing requirements are given, but can it be done? The answer is more difficult to achieve. Why is it more difficult to achieve? Aren't the parameters of cell phone jammer marked with their own shielding interval, can't it be done by placing a few more units according to this interval? In fact, the customer is not wrong, but they do not know that the shielding plan of the mobile phone signal jammer is not a fixed value, how to know it.