Cell Phone Number Caller Id Block For Small And Medium Conferences

Under normal circumstances, for general examinations and small and medium-sized conferences, choosing a Cell Phone Number Caller Id Block with a signal strength of 2W-10W can achieve excellent practical results. However, according to everyone's inspection of various colleges and key conference addresses, many regions are usually one-sided in pursuit of perfect mobile phone jammers with high power, such as: colleges in more than a dozen classrooms, each classroom A mobile phone jammer is installed, and the signal strength is 30W. After the test, because the application is not highly valued, it usually happens that a small amount of shielding is not obtained and immediately turned off, which lasted for many weeks. Continued sending condition. Especially in a middle and primary school, after an exam, the shielding device was not turned off for 2 weeks. It was not until everyone checked the scene that they found that the shielding device was not open on the side of the podium in a classroom crowded with primary and secondary school students. Whew! It really made us sweat!
It is very likely that some people will ask, how did you bring your mobile phone? And wouldn't the college entrance examination block the signal? It was verified that when the candidate entered the examination room for the security check, he hid the mobile phone in the thin clothes he was holding, raised both hands to bypass the security check, and brought the mobile phone to the examination room in violation of regulations. The reason why the signal was not blocked is still under investigation, but the basic assessment is that it is very likely that the 5G signal cannot be blocked due to a system loophole in Cell Phone Number Caller Id Block . The smart mobile phones that everyone uses can often make voice calls and go online, because the wireless network radio waves are used to create a channel between the mobile phone and the communication base station, which in turn creates a connection with all network communications. Furthermore, there will be no point of view that 5G has strong anti-interference. The bandwidth of 5G is higher, and the efficiency that must be affected by cell phone jammer will increase exponentially, but this has nothing to do with anti-interference. The original intention of the 5G design scheme is not Not for better anti-jamming, frequency hopping technology is one of the fathers of anti-jamming.