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Distance between base station and gsm interceptor


Distance between base station and gsm blocker

  There are two main types of signals: SMS and ortungscodes.Early cellular communications used analog transmissions, known as AMPS (Advanced Handset System).1G networks can only handle sound, while 2G networks add text messages and the ability to download content.The reason why the cellular network is so named is that the service distinction of mobile phones is divided into regular hexagonal sub-regions, and each cell is equipped with a base station.

  Two different technologies, GSM and CDMA, were developed in the United States.You can also connect your computer to your phone to use your internet connection, either via a USB cable or the computer's built-in "mobile hotspot" feature.While SMS are an alternative to signaling channels, they are less effective.This reduces the distance between base stations due to higher frequencies.The first commercial cellular network was called 1G (first generation).A structure resembling a "honeycomb" is formed.

  The two kinds of signals have different amounts of information, and the distance between the base station and the mobile phone is usually larger.Today's 3G and 4G networks also provide wireless connectivity for laptops and even desktop computers, either via GSM or CDMA modems, cards and built-in chips, or by connecting to mobile hotspot devices such as MiFi.Cellular technology, like other wireless technologies, uses radio signals to connect.

  To prevent interference, mobile phones should be placed 200 to 300 meters away from the base station.In the early days of cellular technology, in the early 1960s, cell phones could only operate in a sub-area, and if the phone moved out of this range, the communication would be cut off by the gsm jammer.The distance between the base station and the phone is the key to successfully jamming the signal.Another system PCS uses a different base station and (higher) frequency.2G followed in the 1990s.The digital AMPS service (which replaced AMPS in the 90s) uses the same base stations and uses the AMPS protocol to set up calls and then switch to digital transmission.

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