President of the French Film Federation allows GSM jammers to be installed in public places
The president of France's national film federation said the measure was a response to a "longstanding call" for cinemas across the country.The problem with this is that it disables emergency calls.Cell phone use in a theater is an intrusion; Just like a drunk fan at a sporting event is a disturbance.The back of the tickets states that the venue has the right to refuse entry to a guest and eject them without a refund.

He told French radio that cinemas had invested heavily in cinema comfort.There are devices that interfere with the phone signal, essentially pretending to be a base station when they are not.I'M CONCENTRATED; that is until someone else gives in to her urges and bangs on her phone.Acceptance of the ticket constitutes a contract between the ticket seller and the buyer.Viewers watch movies while the call phenomenon will not appear soon in France, officials say Industry Minister has approved a decision, the decision will allow cinemas, concert halls, theaters and other places to install cell phone jammers, condition that emergency phones remain open.Maybe because the cinema owners, restaurateurs, would have to pay for it.
Aside from basketball, the one thing that makes me happier than a pig in the mud is being able to see a movie in a theater with an audience and a huge bucket of popcorn between my legs (enjoy that metaphor).In Mexico, the main customers have been banks, which try to stop would-be robbers from communicating with their accomplices and the Mexican government, which plans to use them in prisons, Haim said.
It's that rare hour and a half that I can escape from the real world and immerse myself in someone else's imagination.And last week, France's industry minister approved a decision to allow cinemas, concert halls and theaters to be installed - as long as arrangements are made to be able to make emergency calls.According to a statement from the Department of Industry and Industry, the Department of Industry and Industry said on Friday that it supports telecoms regulators' decision to allow gsm jammer to be installed in movie theaters.But no one has suggested this as a product or standard, although it wouldn't be particularly difficult.
However, the minister warned that emergency phone service and calls outside theaters and other venues should not be affected.In theory you could implement something that switches the phones into "mode" when they were in a place where calling was not allowed (since the operator always knows where the phones are).It keeps me focused in the director's world they created and compels me to quit the tech without having to hit the pause button to check an email.Japan allows public places, such as theaters and concert halls, to install jammers provided they receive a government-issued license.