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GPS jammers can evade detection

Perfectjammer 2020-12-04

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The evasion of detection is possible with GPS jammers.The Chinese seem to have joined the Russian military to develop and use technology to deceive (mislead) GPS signals. Since 2018, Shanghai has been using this technology. The implementation of GPS spoofing in China is different from the Russian method. The Russian deception would cause all GPS devices in an area to display at the same location instead of the many different locations they are actually in. In contrast, when China is deceiving, it will display the various ships, which are located in different locations, but always surround the same central point that is clearly broadcasting deceptive signals. This creates the so-called "cut circle" pattern. The crew slowly entering the Shanghai port noticed this. In doing so, they will observe the location of other ships through their AIS (Automatic Identification System) transponders. According to international law, all large ocean-going ships must carry and use AIS equipment, which continuously broadcasts the ship’s GPS location. However, in some cases, the ship suddenly saw that the AIS position of nearby ships changed. With or without binoculars, the crew can see the actual locations of other ships, while the AIS display shows them in other locations in the circular area. After a few minutes, the AIS signal will accurately report the position again.

In this case, it should be noted that there is no GPS receiver on board to receive signals, just like the gps jammer equipment on shore in the circle. All large ocean-going ships must carry and use AIS equipment, which continuously broadcasts the ship’s GPS location. However, in some cases, the ship suddenly saw that the AIS position of nearby ships changed. With or without binoculars, the crew can see the actual locations of other ships, while the AIS display shows them in other locations in the circular area. After a few minutes, the AIS signal will accurately report the position again. In this case, it should be noted that there is no GPS receiver on board to receive signals, just like the GPS devices on shore in the circle. All large ocean-going ships must carry and use AIS equipment, which continuously broadcasts the ship’s GPS location. However, in some cases, the ship suddenly saw that the AIS position of nearby ships changed. With or without binoculars, the crew can see the actual locations of other ships, while the AIS display shows them in other locations in the circular area. After a few minutes, the AIS signal will accurately report the position again. In this case, it should be noted that there is no GPS receiver on board to receive signals, just like the GPS devices on shore in the circle. Using binoculars, while other ships are actually at the same time, the AIS display shows them in other locations within the circular area. After a few minutes, the AIS signal will accurately report the position again. In this case, it should be noted that there is no GPS receiver on board to receive signals, just like the GPS devices on shore in the circle. Using binoculars, while other ships are actually at the same time, the AIS display shows them in other locations within the circular area. After a few minutes, the AIS signal will accurately report the position again. In this case, it should be noted that there is no GPS receiver on board to receive signals, just like the GPS devices on shore in the circle.

The Chinese government denied responsibility for the GPS jammer's actions and blamed it on the smugglers, who apparently used this deception device to avoid being caught by the police when using smugglers to transport illegal goods. In one case, in any case, the smuggler was arrested due to an accident caused by deception. It was discovered that the smuggler’s ship was carrying sand illegally obtained nearby and was taken out of the port for sale elsewhere. Sand mining is banned in this area because this precious commodity is in high demand elsewhere, and more exports are destroying the environment.

No one has been arrested for using this new type of GPS jammer near Shanghai, partly because the device was apparently only used 6 times before being used for a short period of time. Judging from the evidence collected so far, if the GPS jammer is kept long enough, the range and center of the crop circle can be found, and the police can be sent to the location to hijack the equipment and the people using the equipment.

This is not the first time criminals have obtained and used electronic signal jamming equipment. Gang equipment is usually used in some types of radar communication systems. GPS jammers are a new thing, especially in ways that have never been seen before. But now, maritime smugglers are using more electronic jamming devices to evade detection and avoid being caught once detected. The police determined that the deception signal appeared to be in a building owned by a local petrochemical company. Searching the premises and asking the people working there did not find anything. Then, the again attacker may enter the building illegally again and leave immediately after completing the work with the deception device.

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