Gps Shield Jammer Blocker

At noon on January 31, 2016, people came and went on the streets of Tongzilin. A man in black emerged from the crowd and sat on the side of the road, looking at the open-air parking lot in front of him, holding a black gps jammer. For one hour, two hours, he was like a "passerby", sitting still, but turning his head while looking around. The two cars drove one after another, his hand shook slightly, triggering Gps Shield Jammer Blocker, and then walked to the front of the car, pulled the door, but did not open it. He looked around, returned to the spot and waited if nothing had happened. Twenty minutes later, a black Maserati stopped in front of him. The driver got out of the car and locked it and left, while the man in black hiding in the shade of the tree pressed the GPS jammer while unlocking it. Seeing the car owner walking away, the black-clothed man put his hands in his trouser pockets and swayed towards the car, observing the surrounding movements while swaying. He stood by the car and paused for more than 20 seconds. After reconfirming that the time was right, he walked to the back of the car, looked around, and started to start. "Boom!" The trunk bounced, but there was nothing in it. Then he went to the co-pilot, opened the car door, took out a bag and hurriedly left.
The police investigation revealed that this man was the "skinny" in the previous case. The stolen bag contained 20,000 yuan in cash and a Roger Dubuis watch worth 300,000 yuan. "Skinny" appeared again. Where is he hiding? Through careful investigation, on February 1st, "Skinny"'s foothold was initially ascertained-a high-end community on Xinguang Road. The next night, when the police came to the community to set up control, they learned that the "Skinny" family had gone to the building. "After being caught, he confessed to us that he happened to pass by the gate of the community that day and heard that the police were inquiring about him. I was spotted and immediately packed and moved out of the community," the police said. He moved to Zizhu North Street, one kilometer away, and hid in a daily rental house with only one bed. There were many Gps Shield Jammer Blocker devices in the room. But he didn't expect that the police would chase the door before one day. He pretended to be wronged and said repeatedly, "I have not done bad things, never do bad things." But when the police noticed a watch on his wrist, his hand jerked into his sleeve. "Frankly explain, who is this?" The policeman pointed at his wrist and asked. He dared not speak, lowered his head, and was stunned for a while, his hands slumped weakly. It turned out that it was the stolen Roger Dubuis watch. The police said that the "skinny man" is from Liangshan. He is 32 years old. Since last year, he has used jammers to wait for a while and commit 4 thefts with a total value of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan.