One of the most frequently debated subjects online regarding blocking devices is their operational range. Each blocking device possesses a unique blocking range, making it essential to understand several key aspects of this topic if you are considering acquiring such a device. Nevertheless, I believe you can locate the information you seek online, and in this article, I will endeavor to clarify why the operational range specified by the manufacturer often differs from the actual operational range.
It Is Now Permissible to Hide Gps Tracking of Employees
GPS jammers / Knowledge Base

Employees who travel for work may think they have more freedom than most other workers. While this may be true, employees should be aware that your employer may be tracking you with a GPS device.
If you're an employee of a company, it's now perfectly legal for your boss to install a GPS tracker on your car and track your location during work hours. Want to talk about violations of your right to be alone and the Fourth Amendment? Forget it!
Two courts, the New York Court of Appeals and the Missouri Court, settled two different cases in favor of the workers. They ruled that there was no invasion of privacy and that installing these GPS trackers on the employees' vehicles was legal (both were fired after the court ruling).
They explained that their conclusion was based on the fact that it was a non-invasive tracking device installation. As long as the GPS tracker is connected to the defendant's car using magnetic fasteners on the outside of the vehicle, it will not search or hack into their car. Although the vehicles being tracked were not work vehicles but the private cars of the former employees, the court ruled that it was legal to track them because the tracking took place during their working hours.
Install a GPS tracking device
As long as GPS tracking devices are installed and the data they provide is only used to show the public location of these vehicles. Since there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment, the court ruled that stalking subjects was absolutely legal. Moreover, since the GPS tracking took place during the two men's working hours, it is perfectly constitutional to track their location.
But the question remains: Do you really want to commit such seemingly legal atrocities? If they have the right to track you, then you have the right to block the GPS tracker on your car so they don't know where you are.
Protecting employees from potential overreach by employer surveillance:
If employees feel they are being overly monitored in company vehicles, a portable GPS jammer can be used. These devices can be surreptitiously carried and used to disable GPS tracking of personal or company vehicles during non-work hours. Employee GPS tracking blocker devices can block GPS signals that employers use to track employee locations during work hours (particularly in areas where employees are mobile, such as delivery services, field work, or transportation). By using an employee GPS tracking blocker, employees can stop being constantly monitored without interfering with the legitimate operational needs of their employer.
How can anti-gps tracking devices for cars help employees who use company vehicles?
Anti-gps tracking devices in cars can help mitigate over-monitoring of their location during non-work hours or in personal vehicles. This provides employees with a way to ensure that their personal movements are not being monitored. Employees can rest assured that they are not being tracked after get off work, protecting their right to privacy during personal time. Helps protect employee privacy and ensure that their activities are not being surreptitiously monitored by external actors, whether employers or third parties.
If you want to know the frequencies of your country, we can offer you some help:

LandAirSea GPS is the ultimate family vehicle tracker, feature-rich and easy to set up, at an affordable price, everyone can benefit and minimize potential costs. The device is suitable for tracking the movement of vehicles. You can also use it to control the elderly, children and other people who need constant support. In addition, you may need a civilian GPS jammer to reduce the risk of tracking.

GPS is particularly prevalent in the transportation and distribution services industry. That's because GPS devices installed in company vehicles help check the status of a package's delivery or provide assistance in the event of a vehicle breakdown. In these cases, employees may know that a GPS device is installed on the vehicle and that their whereabouts are being tracked.