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The jammer signal must be stronger than the target signal?

Perfectjammer 2020-07-28

We can say that although the communication link has only one dimension to be calculated (TX->RX), two dimensions (TX->RX and Jammer->RX) must be calculated for the event and then compared. The "connection" that shows a stronger signal at the input of the receiver will prevail; it can be the sender ("partner") or the interferer, so we have to distinguish what role they play at any time.

The role of a portable jammer is to disconnect the communication link (or network) between two (or more) "partners" when trying to talk to each other or transfer some data between them. There are more cases of interference with the communication link between the drone and its operator. We can try to disrupt the communication between the mobile phone and the base station, between the two tactical radios, and between the bomb and the remote control for activation.

jammer signal stronger

To stop it, the jammer sends RF (CW + modulation) energy at the same frequency as that used by the enemy link or network. It is said that the receiver of the enemy (the "hearing" side) receives both the painful transmission and the "partner" transmission. The strong should have the upper hand; if the energy of the drone is more destructive than the performance of the "partner", the "listener" will not be able to "correctly" understand the message/data. Or, if the energy of the "partner" is higher than the performance of the whiner, the "listener" will be able to correctly "understand" the message/data and the communication link between the "partners"

Sometimes, the jammer signal arriving at the receiver input may be lower than the communication signal ("partner") and still dominate. This is because the receiver usually needs a certain amount of "margin" between the two input signals in order to interpret one of them (usually the stronger signal). However, in advanced communication systems, this "margin" is sometimes even negative (indicating that the communication signal may be much lower than the noise signal), and the receiver will still be able to interpret the "partner" signal, making it difficult to cause malfunctions. More tasks.