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Schools use signal jammers to prevent cheating

Perfectjammer 2019-07-15

In Russia. School teachers in Russia began to clamp down when they noticed surreptitious pupils using their smartphones to look up answers and prompts during the tests. In a major crackdown, Rosobrnadzor, a telecommunications business, advised schools to use metal detectors at exam entrances and, if possible, cell phone jammer in exam halls to ban phones and tablets from classrooms. Some people think that teaching children not to use mobile phones in class is just a matter of teaching them respect. But what should children think when they see their parents using them at the dinner table, walking down the street or even driving?

In India, legal inspectors are being allowed to use cell phone blockers to prevent high-tech cheating. In order to prevent the random spread of power shields and to ensure that they do not unduly interfere with existing mobile phone networks, the notice said, the secretary's (security) permission of the cabinet secretariat has been enforced. The agencies allowed to purchase the shields include state police forces, prison authorities and central government agencies such as the intelligence agency (IB) and the department for research and analysis (RAW).