Military departments use jammers for blockade
Jammers are primarily used by investigative authorities and the military. They are sometimes used in detention centers to stop prisoners from illicit exchanges. The challenge here is that no external signals are blocked, such as cell phones calling emergency services. Jammers are also sometimes used in movie theaters and theaters abroad so that activity isn't interrupted by cell phone signals. Another purpose is, for example, to block control signals from drones.

A jammer sends a random signal (noise or pulse) on a specific frequency at the maximum possible strength, thereby superimposing the original transmission. If jammers are used in a targeted manner, we call them strategic jammers. These devices are also called jammer gps, and the process is called noise jamming.
Attackers can use jammers to disrupt radio connections. For example, images from surveillance cameras may be interrupted by covering or blocking radio transmissions. To protect yourself, these attacks must be detected.
There are jammers for various radio protocols such as Bluetooth, WiFi, GSM, UMTS, LTE and GPS. Thereby interfering with specific frequencies of the radio protocol. There are very simple and small devices that can only interfere with radio signals within a limited radius. For example, there is a small car cigarette lighter adapter with the ability to interfere with GPS signals. Portable devices with integrated batteries have a range of up to 20 meters in optimal conditions, depending on the version. Often they interfere with the signal in the room. Powerful stationary equipment has a range of up to 80 meters.
If an attacker uses such a jammer, it can, for example, block the wireless connection of a surveillance camera or a window sensor in an alarm system. Therefore, a broken connection must always equate to an alert. Additionally, jammers can be detected by continuously testing the wireless connection between the two components using a cable connection. If the connection is lost, the jammer is active. Or, but more technically difficult to solve, can test the signal level, the strength of the radio signal. If a new strong source is detected here, it could be a jammer.
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