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New Cell Phone 5G GPS WLAN Blocker

$1495.81$749.99 Product Details

If you use this cell phone jammer.You won't get any phone calls and your phone won't be able to be tracked. If you put your phone in the outer pocket, you'll be protected on one side from wireless radiation, however the other side is not protected so you'll be able to receive phone calls. When carrying my phone I put it in the outer pocket with the protected side against my body. This keeps my body from receiving any radiation and still allows for incoming phone calls. Very useful, versatile product. Can be used to protect car keys as well.

Review New Cell Phone 5G GPS WLAN Blocker

Date Added: 07/27/2020 by Cochran Kim

The jammer has been in use for three weeks, and its ability to jam signals has been very strong!

Date Added: 04/15/2020 by Karasay Sermin

I bought one and it worked well. Thanks to this product, I can now block 4G LTE and 4G Wimax signals at the same time and create a quiet environment.

Date Added: 03/28/2020 by Cicarella Paul

The powerful features of this device made me buy it. The huge coverage radius and the adjustment of the output power of each antenna can cause interference to frequencies within the specified range. I can set it to block only one frequency (such as Wi-Fi) and use other frequency bands freely. Powerful and flexible household equipment can shield equipment!