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If there is no gsm jammer in prison

Perfectjammer 2018-01-16

Usa a cell phone jammer in prisonsContraband cell phones are a real problem. They have allowed prisoners to surreptitiously deal drugs, run illegal businesses and even organize murders, right under the noses of guards and wardens. A single South Carolina prison recently detected 35,000 cell phone calls and texts over a 23-day period. This is a very serious problem for prisons. It is likely that some new crimes will result from these illegal mobile phones

A cell phone in a prisoner’s possession allows him to contact outside partners in crime to coordinate escape plans, thereby creating life-threatening situations for the guards and public surrounding the institution. More often, reports from correctional facilities overwhelmingly indicate that hidden cell phones have been used to harass the victims of their crimes, or an inmate repeatedly intimidates his victim in an effort to persuade the victim to recant the charges or change his story to instill suspicion in the testimony.

Many detainees continue to organize their illegal drug trades from inside prison walls. A cell phone is an essential means for the detainee to keep the drug organization running and closely controlled. By contacting visitors before they arrive, prisoners can arrange for a transfer of drugs and drug paraphernalia, allowing them to continue the same illegal habit that placed them in custody. Frequently, the family endures harassment from its incarcerated relative, demanding bail when the family recognizes the relative is better served remaining in custody.

A prominent concern is the ability of an inmate to contact witnesses before an impending hearing, trial or appeal. By matching alibis or correcting conflicts in testimony, a defendant can win a reduction in or a complete dismissal of charges. The most frightening concern that correctional institutes contend are undetected cell phones used by inmates to warn other inmates in advance of surprise searches that could confiscate cell phones, knives, drugs, syringes and other contraband items. This smuggled merchandise can pose life-threatening situations to correction officers and medical personnel working in one of the most hostile and treacherous work environment that exists.

Wardens have tried and failed to stop cell phones from making their way into prisons. Rather than fight that losing battle, they might be able to prevent cell phones from being used once they make their way inside.

The role of the prison signal jammer

Cell phone jammer for prison have become a necessary addition to the arsenal of tools required for the safekeeping of inmates. Cell phones are becoming smaller every day, making them easier for inmates smuggle into facilities. This creates an even more difficult job for the already burdened correctional worker, however a cell phone jammer is the answer to restricting the inmates from using the cell phones for potentially dangerous activities. Cell phone jammer use can also force inmates to use prison approved / monitored phone lines.

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