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Mobile phone signal jammer is to prevent phone fraud and harassment

Mittie Stroman

Nowadays, the internet has penetrated into various fields, and various magical mobile apps and network software have emerged one after another.Of course, the payment codes of large supermarkets can be scanned with confidence.It is best to check in the system settings of the backend software to see which privacy has been read and stolen.When we pay attention, we need to read your geographical location and your address book.By making a phone call; When we see someone scanning QR codes on the roadside, we should pay attention.

But most people may think it's a science fiction product from movies.Post and share your daily life at this time, be careful not to disclose personal privacy.Many people spend their free time browsing space and social media every day.Intercepting spam calls and setting mobile phone read permissions are the basic guarantees of mobile phone security.For meetings with high confidentiality of meeting content or release media, or meetings involving a large number of confidential personnel, a confidentiality work plan should be held and implemented in the internal meeting venue.

Confidential meetings usually require the prohibition of the use of mobile phones and laptops with unlimited internet access, as well as the prohibition of the use of unauthorized photography, video, and recording devices with the following functions.

According to the needs of the meeting, mobile phone interceptors can be installed in the meeting room if necessary to prevent the use of mobile phones during the meeting from leaking secrets.Mobile communication blockers are constantly being upgraded to prevent cheating in the college entrance examination and provide a fair and just examination environment for college students.Although getting into a first-class university is the goal of every candidate, they must achieve their goals through their own efforts and strength.

Power Adjustable Jammer

In addition, internet telemarketers may also obtain your personal information, location information, etc.At present, the technology to prevent information leakage is also very advanced, such as ordinary shielded computer rooms and mobile phone blockers built to avoid information leakage.Many places such as exam halls and meeting rooms prohibit using mobile phones. Just pay attention.Important entrance exams, qualification exams, or final exams require the installation of cell phone jammer in the examination hall to block electronic signals around the examination hall and prevent potential electronic fraud.

If we are not familiar with the security of mobile phone operation, then do not scan QR codes in public places for sales or advertising.Many pro citizen software has brought great convenience to people, but some unscrupulous hackers use internet apps to hang trojans or implant viruses through dial-up software.These harassing phone calls and fraudulent software have brought great losses to everyone.Therefore, many customers are asking us what good methods are available to prevent these harassing calls - mobile signal jammer, which can block all phone harassment and scams, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful time in peace.

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