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A small and high power RF transmitter will interfere with communication equipment

perfectjammer png2023/2/6

The widespread adoption of automated fleet management and global positioning system (GPS) tracking solutions helps companies simplify operations, improve driver safety and improve compliance with compliance regulations.This is why fleet owners should pay special attention to any modifications made by drivers to their vehicles.GPS jammer will prevent accurate vehicle tracking, including driving distance, road time, overspeed and bad driving conditions.

radio frequency transmitter interfere

However, the equipment called GPS jammer and mobile phone jammer will interfere with the function of GPS tracking equipment, which is crucial to the real-time fleet vehicle tracking system and will cause problems for the fleet owners who are trying to maintain the fleet tracking and control.This is also known as "cheating".Commercial fleet owners and operators have seen the industry shift to technology integration across each system.

cell phone jammer

GPS signal jammer is a small, high-powered radio frequency (RF) transmitter that will interfere with legitimate communication devices - mobile phones, GPS, Wi-Fi networks and toll readers.The signal jammer generates "noise" by submerging these satellite signals with higher power but shorter distance radio signals, thus inducing the GPS tracking system to think that GPS signals are not available.Since GPS shielding devices come from many manufacturers, their shape, size and size vary greatly, so it is difficult to find them in the driver's car.

The most common is that the GPS interceptor works in a short distance, and its size is small enough to plug in power supplies such as cigarette lighter or iPhone, and prevent signal transmission to the GPS tracker installed in the cockpit of the vehicle.

Radio Shack Cell Phone Signal Jammer

The GPS receiver depends on the low power microwave signal broadcast by GPS satellite

If the vehicle is stolen, the GPS jammers will make it more difficult for the law enforcement department to locate the vehicle, thus affecting the company's scheduling lineup.If the lost vehicle cannot be found, it may also affect the company's bottom line.

The use of GPS and mobile phone jammers poses significant challenges for fleet management and vehicle tracking systems. Fleet owners rely on these systems to streamline operations, ensure driver safety, and maintain compliance with regulations. However, the presence of GPS jammers can disrupt the accurate tracking of fleet vehicles, leading to issues such as inaccurate driving distance, road time, overspeeding, and poor driving conditions.

Readworks Cell Phone Scramble

GPS jammers are small, high-powered RF transmitters that interfere with legitimate communication devices like mobile phones, GPS receivers, Wi-Fi networks, and toll readers. By emitting strong radio signals, these jammers create interference that disrupts the reception of GPS signals by tracking systems. This interference can lead the tracking system to believe that GPS signals are unavailable, thus compromising the accuracy and reliability of fleet tracking.

One of the challenges with GPS jammers is their small size and ease of concealment, making it difficult for fleet owners to detect them in vehicles. These devices are often designed to plug into power sources such as cigarette lighters or USB ports, allowing drivers to discreetly activate them while driving. As a result, fleet owners may not be aware of the presence of jammers until they encounter issues with their tracking systems.

Radio signals in the civil sector are interfered with

The implications of GPS jamming extend beyond simple inconvenience

In the event of vehicle theft, GPS jammers can hinder law enforcement's efforts to locate stolen vehicles, potentially impacting the company's operations and financial bottom line. Without accurate tracking data, fleet managers may struggle to maintain efficient scheduling and asset management, leading to delays, inefficiencies, and potential losses.

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