There's nothing stopping a tracker from using GPS-based surveillance to track your location and use it to find you.

Avoid tracking
We've all had a crush at some point in our lives, but some have gone too far. Whether due to illness or addiction, some people may start showing signs of stalking. If you have someone in your life who is too engaged, has too much contact with you, or exhibits strange and disturbing behaviors related to you, you should be aware of these risks.
Tracking is a very scary thing. It usually begins with a complex, superficial obsession. It can become more intense and even dangerous over time.

Stalkers have been known to break into a target's house, steal belongings, collect small amounts of personal information, and show up wherever the target visits or stays.
There's nothing stopping trackers from using GPS-based surveillance to track your location and use it to find you. If you're completely concerned that someone is tracking you, a GPS jammer can help prevent them from using your GPS device to hack into your device's GPS functionality.

Prevent your boss from invading your privacy
- In many centers, the bosses own their employees. In many toxic quest environments, your time and happiness are not yours.
- Unfortunately, this means overbearing managers or bosses can get over and invade your privacy.
- If you use device tasks, you can log into the office's secure network and use company software.
- Even the collective device you use to perform the task (such as your cell phone) is governed by the task policy.
- If your manager decides to start monitoring your operations for "mission reasons", you might consider disabling this feature.
To prevent your work life from encroaching on your personal life, or just to keep your boss from tracking your every move, GPS jammers block all tracking methods. Your laptop, tablet, and phone will no longer be able to send data about your location to your business.

Stay safe abroad
Traveling has so many positive aspects and benefits, it can be hard to find someone who doesn't want to go on vacation and visit other countries.
Two teenage girls, hastily separated while traveling abroad, were observed during their stay and followed back to their flat. Criminals can enter unsuspecting tourists once their identities are unverified.
Criminals continue to use this method to target tourists, but GPS technology makes it easier for them to carry out their plans. If you're planning to visit another country and hope everything goes well, GPS jammers will block any GPS-based tracking methods that criminals use to target you.

potential risks associated with tracking and invasion of privacy in various scenarios, ranging from personal relationships to workplace dynamics and travel abroad.