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A signal blocker suppresses all or some of the radio waves listed


Due to the positive development of modern technology, almost everyone can use various monitoring and monitoring devices. However, this accessibility can bring many hazards, such as with their help, you can eavesdrop on important negotiations or track the transportation location and time of valuable goods, and so on. But you should not despair, as there is also a special device for preventing monitoring and monitoring - a radio wave suppressor.

Radio wave signal jammer is a device designed to create noise signal jammer for the frequencies of various modern wireless data transmission devices. There may be a large number of such frequencies, but they are most commonly used for mobile devices and errors:

GSM/CDMA/3G - Mobile Communications;

4G/LTE and 1 "- Mobile Internet;

Wi Fi - High speed computer internet.

There are also GLONASS and GPS, which use various trackers and other devices to detect the location of goods, personnel, and vehicles. On the other hand, the signal jammer will suppress all or part of the listed radio waves, making it impossible to read information.

suppress listed jamming jammers

In order for the signal jammer to work stably and efficiently, it must be selected correctly. To this end, the following subtle differences should be considered:

The number of frequencies it can block is the most basic and important parameter. Some models aim to suppress any specific channel and multifunctional devices.

Scope is also important for efficient operation. If the device is to be used in an office or small conference room, 10 to 30 meters is sufficient. But if the signal jammer will be used in public places, such as theaters, then you need a device with a radius of several hundred meters.

Battery life and the ability to charge from traditional sockets.

The stability of the work depends on this, and the jammer will not turn off at the most inopportune time.

You can weaken or enhance the impact on the selected channel, and even turn off the number of unnecessary frequency settings.

The design and size of the signal jammer are also important, as it is best not to be visible. Some models are made in the form of audio speakers or internal items, which can provide good masking without damaging the signal.

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