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Signal blocking device for suppressing radio and telephone communication


On November 8, 2022, the state police arrested a 33 year old and a 19 year old man in Giuliano, Campania, on suspicion of participating in the robbery of a jewelry store in Aversa on July 20, 2021.

The police learned through an investigation into internal video surveillance cameras that the gangsters had drilled holes in the ground of the store and used telephone interceptors to suppress radio and telephone communication, stealing jewelry and other valuable items, including Rolex watches worn by customers.

suppresses radio signal blocker

It is worth approximately 300000 euros and locks the owner and customers inside the jewelry store, before finally escaping from the sewer through a previously dug tunnel.Analyzing the investigation coordinated by the prosecutor's office in North Naples, the gang consists of five criminals who managed to reach the floor of the jewelry store by excavating the sewer system in the area.

The image of the internal video surveillance camera and the assistance of the forensic examination are decisive for starting to identify the perpetrator, which makes it possible to find the blood stains of the suspect after the cross regional screening of the Naples forensic. Compared with the national database, Giuliano's identification result is a 33 year old male.

During the search for him, the Caseta Mobile Squad and the police of Giugliano Commission discovered items that may have been used during the shooting, or materials useful for excavation, such as flashlights and other tools, pistol ammunition, rifles, two-way radios, telephone signal jammer, in the home of a 19-year-old boy to suppress radio and telephone communication; The police have officially arrested two men.