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Application principle of uav jamming equipment

Perfectjammer 2019-04-06

Drone jammer, many of you have heard the name. This is a hot topic in recent years. But how does the device work and what principle? Maybe not many people know. So, today we specially invited the experts to answer for us

In order to jam, the Jammer transmits RF power (CW + Modulation) in the same frequency used by the enemy’s link or network. The enemy’s receiver (the side that “listens”) shall receive both the Jammer’s transmission and its “partner's” transmission. The stronger one shall prevail; if the Jammer power is higher than the “partner's” power, the “listener” will not be able to “understand” correctly the message/data. Alternatively, if the “partner's” power is higher than the Jammer’s power, the “listener” will probably be able to “understand” correctly the message/data, and the communication link between the “partners” shall continue uninterrupted. This explanation is a bit superficial, and intended for simplifying things. However, if we try to “dig” deeper in to this issue, more parameters may enter the comparison between the signal levels of the two “links”.One example is the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) that the receiver “sees”at its input. Sometimes the jamming signal arriving at the receiver input, can be lower than the communication (“partner’s”) signal and still prevail. This is happening because usually the receiver needs a certain “margin” between the two signals at its input, in order to be able to interpret one of them (usually the stronger one). However, in advanced communication systems, this “margin” can sometimes be even negative (meaning that the communication signal can be much lower than the jamming signal), and the receiver will still be able to interpret the “partner’s” signal, making jamming a much harder task.