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There no legal issue with applying prefix to block outgoing calls on cell phone

Perfectjammer 2022/06/05

Therefore,Adding a prefix to restrict outgoing calls on a cell phone is within the bounds of the law, but it is necessary to use it effectively and properly, and to apply it in accordance with the rules and regulations provided by the state. First, choose cell phone jammer produced by professional manufacturers. Before purchasing, check whether the enterprise qualifications are complete and the products can be Whether there is a corresponding inspection report, you can't just choose three products for better cost-effectiveness; secondly, the mobile phone signal jammer should be well selected in the specific location and functional orientation of the assembly; the third is to choose a mobile phone signal with moderate output power It is enough to limit the data signal sent by it to a small closed area, and it is best not to endanger the communication of surrounding residents.

There are different types of What Prefix To Make Outgoing Cell Phone Blocked on the market today. Some devices can only block one frequency, while others can block multiple types of networks at the same time. The latter model can automatically switch from different networks to find open signals. High-end devices can block all frequencies at the same time, while others can tune to specific frequencies. Simply put, they emit random static or noise over a wide frequency range, so powerful that a device in close proximity cannot connect to the connection it should. Kind of like being next to a sports car engine and opening the hood while trying to talk to someone on the phone. The local noise becomes too loud for the device to make a regular connection. Quickly cover a range of frequencies, effectively preventing cell phone jammer devices from operating normally. The frequency of the carrier wave that transmits the electromagnetic interference signal is the same as the frequency of the carrier wave, so at the harvesting terminal, both the harvester and the amplifier are mediated (reduced) the interference signal. It's like a fake (eg jammer) transporter and a real jammer (eg) model of the transporter (carrier frequency), the same look only the car receives from the cargo, the result is really fakes to the shipper together. The power of electronic interference is strong enough, limited by the interference signal, to achieve interference.