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Noise generator circuit provides enough power for the jammer signal


  Have you ever driven a car with a remote control, but you can't turn it on? Yes, you may be out of power, but you may also be near a police station, military barracks, or other specially protected place.At the time, you might not understand why, but the answer is simple: jammers.Frequency jammers have a very clear and simple goal: to block communication on certain frequencies.

Noise generator circuit provides enough power for the jammer signal

  However, since it is not easy to stop the device from communicating with other devices, the solution to stop such transmissions is simple, similar to a DDoS attack: noise is introduced at a specified frequency, and useless information is immersed in the tape to prevent it from reaching the real information.Jammers can be used to jam various types of communications or devices from cellular networks, radar, Bluetooth, GPS, infrared, GPS jammers etc.

  Despite their versatility, all inhibitors are very simple.They are based on a circuit that has an oscillator to generate the signal, a noise generator, an amplifying stage that provides sufficient power for the signal, and finally one or more antennas to transmit the resulting signal.There are inhibitors of various sizes.From the phone to the handbag, it always depends on the frequency (one or more) and the range (from a few meters to more than a kilometer) of the scan.

  Of course, if anyone wants to know the origins of these devices, we have to go back to war, especially World War II, when both sides used cell phone interceptors to jam enemy communications.Like so many other advances, it even appears in frequency interference, and even in technological progress: someone is always using it incorrectly.Jammers can have legitimate uses, such as protecting certain buildings, such as preventing remote activation of explosives.

  In many cases, however, inhibitors may not be appropriate for the person using them, even if they don't realize it.The use of jammers became popular at several Spanish universities a few years ago.For what? Because this technology is used for the benefit of students who do not want to pass pinganillos, who are not exposed to outside exam answers, some teachers or staff run down Middle street by frequency interference, hindering communication with the outside world.

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