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Australia Informations List

Hockey puck-sized GPS jammer can disrupt GPS signals within a one-kilometer radius

As every country's tanks enter to show their strength, it is obvious that the United States.


Government blocks GSM signals during State of the Union address

The South African government blocked mobile-phone signals during the 2015 State of the Nation address


Not telling employees that GPS tracking devices are installed on work vehicles

One company installed GPS tracking devices in their work vehicles without telling employees.


Avoid Tracking Can Use Pocket GPS Jammer

It provides a lot of convenience for people's travel.


Us Prisons Are Starting To Use 4G Phone Jammers

A New South Wales Correctional Services spokeswoman said the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) recently approved a two-year trial for telephone jamming equipment at Goulburn Prison.


Why Use GPS Jamming Device?

GPS jamming is increasingly common. It’s of particular concern for maritime authorities, as ships rely on GPS for accurate positioning information.


Signal Jammer Information

Perfectjammer is the most professional jammer information website. We have collected information on signal shielding devices in different frequency bands, just to give users a more detailed and professional information platform.