What jammer frequencies do jammers choose?
The right frequencies to choose depends on the devices to be jammed.you know what kind of jammer gps disruption you need to create around a certain area.

In order to prevent a cell phone from being able to get reception, you should get a cell phone jammer, that blocks cellular frequencies, hence GSM, 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE for the latest Smartphones.
In case you don’t know the frequencies on which mobile phones operate on, don’t worry. We got you covered and we know exactly which frequencies are used in your country.
Anyway, be sure to check out our post on how to choose the jammer that best meets your needs before purchasing one in order to avoid ending up with a device that you don’t need at all.
First of all, it is important that you know what kind of jamming disruption you need to create around a certain area. For an all-around 360° view inhibition, you’d better opt for a signal GPS jammers with omnidirectional antennas.
On the other hand, if you need to blur frequency transmission towards a certain direction, you should opt for directional antennas.
Once the typology of antennas has been chosen, what you have to focus on and never underestimate is the so-called signal strength.
Let’s just say that the stronger the cell phone signal in a location, the more the operating range of our device decreases. No jammer is free from imperfection, they all have their flaws.
Therefore, it is advisable to check beforehand the signal reception in the area where you decide to install the frequency blocker.
Only after having taken into account all of the above-mentioned factors, can you choose the most suitable signal blocker for your needs.Always keep in mind that the more the wattage, the more distance they will be able to cover.