How Do Bluetooth Jammers Work?
If a malicious and/or annoying caller comes from a particular network, it may be necessary to prevent it from accessing your device. This is why it’s important to know how to block Bluetooth signals.

The first and most crucial step is to operate a device that emits the same frequency as the device you’re trying to jam. Signal jammers gps are the easiest way to do this, but it’s also useful to know how to jam a Bluetooth signal with Android phones and other devices.
First, ensure that the Bluetooth blocker is emitting a signal by having it perform some sort of function. Have it play music or tape down the keys so the device thinks they’re being continually pressed. A device that sits idly won’t emit a signal and won’t function as an effective blocker.
Next, find out what signal the device you want to block is operating on. Not every device uses the same signal. Due to spread-spectrum frequency, it may not stay on the same frequency for long.
What Devices Can Block Bluetooth Signals?
Any device with Bluetooth functionality can be used as a Bluetooth blocker. The user only has to ensure the signal it’s emitting is identical to that of another nearb