Russian GPS jamming technology is developing rapidly

Since the GPS system originated in the United States, the positioning system could pose a threat to other countries' security. If the problem with GPS signals in the kremlin and around the world is not an accident, it is a sign that Moscow has taken steps to address the security of the system.
UNITED STATES (VOP TODAY NEWS) – The US satellite GPS system, which is used both in car navigation systems and for military purposes, is vulnerable to missile and laser attacks in China and Russia, Washington Free Beacon reports referring to US Air Force officials.
The Russian military is currently buying jamming devices and plans to install them on cell towers. The idea is simple: the kremlin can start these jammers during the conflict and pray that the jammers will reduce the precision of the onslaught of American missiles.
Russia's installation of jammers on mobile-phone towers is an unconventional move, but its logic is justified militarily. As things stand, the U.S. has a big advantage in cruise missiles, drones and GPS systems. American-made cruise missiles, such as tomahawk cruise missiles, have electronic devices designed specifically to combat GPS jammer. Raytheon Company, the manufacturer, noted that an anti-jamming GPS receiver called AGR could "achieve continuous satellite tracking in the presence of high levels of hostile interference".
In a positioning application, we have the reciprocal problem: instead of trying to geolocate a transmitter relative to ourselves, we are trying to geolocate ourselves relative to a set of transmitters. But of course we use the same techniques: GPS is an excellent example of a TOA system.
President bush was said to have even called Russian President vladimir putin. Germany's military technology magazine reported that in the end because of a great disparity in strength, and Iraq to get only a handful of GPS jamming device at the time, can't connect the network, these devices are eventually destroyed by us troops. In recent years, south Korean media have reported that north Korea has had a number of massive GPS interference with South Korea, and its technology has come from Russia.
However, there are many technologies that are successful. One advantage of using mobile towers for military purposes is that the infrastructure is now available, including about 250,000 base stations in Russia. The kremlin will simply add new facilities to its base stations.
Reports of satellite navigation problems in the Black Sea suggest that Russia may be testing a new system for spoofing GPS, New Scientist has learned. This could be the first hint of a new form of electronic warfare available to everyone from rogue nation states to petty criminals.