Mobile jammers are very important in war

Mobile phone encryption devices are smart and useful in some situations, but the problem is that not everyone has the right to use them anywhere. In the frequency band blocked by interference, all related mobile electronic communication devices have lost their effectiveness. They can be equipped in certain security forces, prisons and battlefields to avoid troublesome situations related to equipment. The use of mobile cell phone jammer played an important role in the US-Iraq War. By installing mobile phone encryption in the prison, prisoners can communicate with the outside world to avoid unnecessary security incidents, such as escape and drug trafficking.
According to the Karlsruhe Administrative Court's ruling, it is usually sufficient to carry a mobile phone with you so that the inspection can be classified as "unsatisfactory." If the inspection rules provide for such consequences for "unauthorized aids", they shall apply in any case. In a specific dispute, a student left his mobile phone in the wallet in the room during the oral exam. However, since the school did not explicitly state the prohibition again before the specific inspection, the subsequent "unsatisfactory" rating for the specific situation was disproportionate. The school had to change grades again. If there is a mobile phone jammer at this time, the same effect can be achieved without checking the mobile phone.