Mobile cell tower spoofing jammers to combat human trafficking
As part of its anti-trafficking activities, the government’s immigration services will reactivate at least four cell tower spoofing jammers at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced on Wednesday that it will install similar mobile cell phone jammer in all immigration areas of the country’s international airports, each at a cost of 400,000 pesetas. Ronald Ledesma, who is in charge of immigration, said cell phone jammers are a tool to stop human trafficking at airports. Ledesma added that the trafficking group is using mobile phones to communicate with their intended victims. An immigration official, who asked not to be named, told GMANews.TV, “Traffickers usually target Filipino workers with overseas tourist visas. The so-called tourist workers.” How the trafficking community works, “Sometimes there are consultations. With What some airport immigration officials are together is that they use their mobile phones to instruct target victims or victims to go to a specific queue or counter,” the immigration official said. "This cell phone jammer will undoubtedly be of great help in combating human trafficking," Ledesma said.
In cell-based Wi-Fi network systems, unintentional interference is common. It is sent from Bluetooth devices, microwave ovens, cordless phones, Wi-Fi access points in adjacent offices, and other unlicensed spectrum competitors. You can use spectrum analyzers (such as those of Cognio and its many distributors and OEMs) to identify and locate such mobile cell tower spoofing jammers. Basically, you then use Ankle Express to deactivate it. But what if criminals are involved? Currently there are mobile phone jammer devices mainly used for legal testing purposes. If the cell phone jammer is within the performance limits of FCC Part 15-1 watt plus 6 dBi antenna gain, or about 4 watts-legal devices can easily broadcast most Wi-Fi devices, which usually emit about 100 milliwatts Power Crapoint Mathias, head of Farpoint's team in Ashland, Massachusetts.
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