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What's the prisons jamming device?

In correctional circles, it is known as the prison jammer or prison jamming system. More than a cell phone jammer, the Prison Jammer is an Intelligent Jamming System. It can detect and manually or automatically blocks unauthorized usage of cell phones and / or cell phone activity in designated areas. This kind of device is very helpful to prison management. That's why more and more prisons are applying for this kind of equipment. Some U.S. prisons are already experimenting with the devices. Some U.S. prisons are already experimenting with the devices The device has proved very effective

Why need use prisons phone jammers?

Cell phones will be smuggled into correctional facilities regardless of strict regulations prohibiting their use or the impending threat of felony charges for their possession or use. As an institute uncovers a new method of smuggling illegal devices into a facility, inmates discover a more innovative way to circumvent this security breach.

A cell phone in a prisoner’s possession allows him to contact outside partners in crime to coordinate escape plans, thereby creating life-threatening situations for the guards and public surrounding the institution. More often, reports from correctional facilities overwhelmingly indicate that hidden cell phones have been used to harass the victims of their crimes, or an inmate repeatedly intimidates his victim in an effort to persuade the victim to recant the charges or change his story to instill suspicion in the testimony.

Many detainees continue to organize their illegal drug trades from inside prison walls. A cell phone is an essential means for the detainee to keep the drug organization running and closely controlled. By contacting visitors before they arrive, prisoners can arrange for a transfer of drugs and drug paraphernalia, allowing them to continue the same illegal habit that placed them in custody. Frequently, the family endures harassment from its incarcerated relative, demanding bail when the family recognizes the relative is better served remaining in custody.

A prominent concern is the ability of an inmate to contact witnesses before an impending hearing, trial or appeal. By matching alibis or correcting conflicts in testimony, a defendant can win a reduction in or a complete dismissal of charges. The most frightening concern that correctional institutes contend are undetected cell phones used by inmates to warn other inmates in advance of surprise searches that could confiscate cell phones, knives, drugs, syringes and other contraband items. This smuggled merchandise can pose life-threatening situations to correction officers and medical personnel working in one of the most hostile and treacherous work environment that exists.

It's extremely dangerous for anyone in custody to have access to an unrecorded line. There have been several documented escapes from prisons and jails across the country planned through the use of unmonitored phone conversations. You also have the direction and control of criminal enterprises occurring through the cell phones, threatening, assaulting, or killing witnesses, drug sales, etc. Hopefully the FCC will finally allow the use of cell phone jammers in the near future.

A growing number of crimes committed by inmates using contraband cellphones has sparked a bipartisan movement in Congress to stem the illegal flow of the devices into the nation’s jails and prisons. Contraband cellphones “are often used by inmates to coordinate criminal activity and pose a serious threat to the safety of correctional officers and staff and even the general public,” said Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio.

How to cut communications

Jamming/blocking: A signal is transmitted to prevent the handset receiving its base station signal. All phones and Sim cards within the jammer's reach will be blocked, including those belonging to prison staff. The method is cheap and mostly effective. Interference caused outside the prison can, with care, be avoided, but this may add to the cost.

The Ministry of Justice says that handsets smuggled into jails are being used by offenders to harass victims, organise gangs and deal drugs on the outside. It has already carried out trials of jamming equipment, which is illegal if used in public, and is about to give portable devices to some prison governors.

“These trials have demonstrated that equipment can be capable of denying signals to illicit mobile phones within the prison perimeter as required by law and Ofcom regulations, but that this is not a quick, simple or cheap solution,” said Crispin Blunt, the prisons minister. One expert claimed it would cost £250,000 to block signals at a single jail. The minister added that “a number of short range portable mobile phone blocking devices” have also been purchased.

Currently, the United States is trying to use cell phone jammers in prisons. Experts say, cell phone blockers could be used in prisons across the United States 2019-2020.