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Use the jammers device to block drone signal

Perfectjammer 2017-08-18

Block dorne signals

Should the Drone jammers be used in the United States?

With the development of science and technology, the positioning, tracking and surveillance of mobile phones have become an important means and source of reconnaissance. Leaving the phone in a secret place may cause serious injury. Mobile phone jammers can interfere with mobile phone communications. It will not interfere with other electronic equipment. The jammer strictly abides by the quality system. An ideal and reliable wifi jammer can ensure safe production and environmental protection.

In many cases, such as exams and conferences, mobile phones are not suitable. In this case, the cell phone wifi jammer will interfere with the signal within a certain range. No phone signal. Very good at achieving the desired results. The development of mobile phones has brought people closer to each other. Brought a lot of convenience. There are also major disadvantages. A cell phone signal jammer appeared. Where is the cell phone jammer used? do you know?

The application range is very wide. Used in many places. Used in certain classification agencies, political parties, government agencies, universities and other places. There are tests like national civil servants. Public justice is precisely the basic criterion of society. Large and medium-sized inspections do not require telephone communication. You must use technical means to interfere with cell phone signals. Gps sabotage activities help to keep the candidate's secret habits. Military aircraft, prisons and camps are places that require strict control. Confidentiality is high. You need to strictly manage your smartphone. The signal of the mobile phone is shielded, which can greatly prevent leakage. In places such as government agencies and enterprises, telephone signal jammers are required. It can be said that government agencies and companies have a high frequency of meetings, and you should avoid using mobile phones.

If you're a drone pilot who wants to fly a drone somewhere you shouldn't, there isn't a whole lot anyone can do right now to stop you, due to a variety of legal complications that govern drones in flight and jamming equipment. However, with the development of technology, countries have found new countermeasures. Of course, the best way is to jam the signal.

Electronic warfare (EW) experts at Northrop Grumman Corp. are moving to full-rate production of common open-architecture RF jammers for infantry, land vehicles, and fixed sites to protect U.S. and allied warfighters from radio-controlled improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

There's no clear FAA regulations for allowing police officers to interfere with or jam a drone in flight, but there are very real safety concerns that can arise from unauthorized drones, whether it be smuggling items into a prison or filming a secure location. And while things like the drone signal blocker device may help with that, jamming devices are still banned under FCC code, meaning that regular consumers and even private security firms probably won't be able to legally use one. That said, if regulations change and the jammers device can be legally used, it could be a helpful tool for improving drone security.

On a legal standpoint, the DroneDefender seems to be in a grey area. According to FCC regulations, federal law prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of any type of GPS jamming equipment, including devices that interfere with cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and wireless networking services (Wi-Fi).
Officials of the Naval Air Systems Command at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md., are asking Insitu to provide six ScanEagle UAVs, support equipment, training, site activation, technical services, and data for the Philippines. Insitu is a subsidiary of the Boeing Co.

"You just need the RF [radio frequency] components to transmit asignal in the right frequency band," Harrison said. "Jammers are readily available, you can buy GPS jammers online. It's illegal, but you can do it. And we know some of our adversaries have fielded pretty large powerful jamming systems as part of their force structure."

However, some states are proposing legislation, like in California, that would allow firefighters and authorities to take down drones if they are interfering with an emergency situation like a wildfire. Blocking approach paths to airports, hovering over fires, and flying over freeways could be considered instances where those drones can be shot down. However, whether or not officials would legally be allowed to use a radio jammer like the drone jammers device remains unclear.

gps gadgets for cars can shield a variety of signals in actual combat Cell phone jammers are used in meetings and conversations Can a mobile phone jammer shield the signal amplifier? Why US need to pay attention to GPS jammer? What are the types of jammers Jammers play an important role in our lives How to work jammers-Jammer principle The application of jammers