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Keep your phone away from the frequency range of 900MHz/1800MHz, CDMA 800MHz and PHS 1900MHz


Keep your phone away from the frequency range of 900MHz/1800MHz, CDMA 800MHz and PHS 1900MHz

  Whether the phone is locked or not has nothing to do with whether the phone is smart or not.The third and most important thing is that you need to be able to send that urgent message on a frequency other than the blocking frequency.First, the device must be able to detect signal interference.They send signals on GSM frequencies.

  Cell phone signal blocker usually blocks the frequency interference of these four frequency bands.The frequency of GSM mobile phones is 900MHz/1800MHz, CDMA 800MHz and PHS 1900MHz.

It can The locator has three main requirements to withstand interference

  Their size ranges from small portable devices to large briefcases.If you have a way to keep the cellphone out of that frequency range, you can't jam it by the jammer, so there's no way, because if the cellphone isn't within that frequency, it's not a cellphone.

  Next, he needs to give someone an urgent message: "I'm trapped."This prevents GSM tracking devices from sending and receiving messages in the vehicle.Yes, the signals sent by these illegal devices form bubbles around the vehicle and "silently" track the device very effectively and no one knows what happened.Thieves can obtain illegal gsm jammer.

  Beware of scammers - the solution will fail if there is no other unobstructed frequency.This has happened recently in Congress, with large signal jammers deployed throughout the US Congress that can effectively block all GSM signals in the House of Representatives.

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