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Retailers use jammers to prevent others from stealing confidential store information

Eda Abshire

Signal jammers can prevent the transmission and reception of signals, which can have terrifying consequences in certain emergency situations.After investigation by relevant departments, they have been prosecuted and punished in accordance with the law.At first, he believed that he had only deprived his only child of the right to access the internet.He was accused of unknowingly blocking the internet and mobile networks of the entire block for several nights.A father was prosecuted in the department of Lande in southwestern France.

This does not mean that their use is legal.But criminals can also use jammers to disrupt wireless alarm systems and other wireless connections, and block emergency calls made through mobile networks.In certain rooms that need to avoid quietness or distraction, distractors are also useful.Retailers can use jammers to prevent others from intruding into the network and stealing confidential store information through WiFi or Bluetooth.The military and government even have models that can interfere with radio signals for miles.

Mini GPS Jammer

However, more powerful military jammers or drone jammers can even create an area the size of a football field and up to 2 kilometers away.Usually, the range of most 4G scramblers is only a few meters to several tens of meters.These devices were developed for the military and law enforcement agencies and were originally designed to respond to threats such as explosives triggered by mobile phones and hostage taking.

This will prevent your phone from ringing during screening in the cinema or when young people are chatting at school.So before purchasing, it is very necessary to ensure its legality or ensure that your device does not interfere with others or public signals, otherwise it may cause you some trouble.4G signal jammer is a device that uses radio waves to disrupt wireless connections such as mobile networks, WiFi, or GPS.Strictly speaking, it is a radio frequency (RF) transmitter that transmits radio signals at the same (or similar) frequency as GSM, 3G, 4G, Wi Fi, GPS, etc.

Finally, the 4G jammer disrupted the telecommunications tower, causing network congestion in the area covered by the tower.If someone urgently needs mobile communication, the jammer may cause a potential dangerous situation.For example, limiting communication signals for emergency calls, ambulances, firefighting, police, and aviation services.This is the main reason why most countries that prohibit jammers prohibit them.4G blockers are easy to find on the internet.For example, being punished by a complaint.

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