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Rules For Mobile Cell Phone Jammer In The Education Industry

Perfectjammer 2020-11-23

UMP deputy Philippe Meunier expressed regret in a parliamentary question issued in September last year: "Mobile phones may be abused by students." The elected representative then explained his reasoning about national education. Minister Vincent Payon: "Except for the frequently mentioned ( Excessive sending and receiving telemessages and phone calls during school, extortion issues), they can also cheat in exams, take pictures in courses and immediately distribute them on social networks, surf the Internet uncontrollably...".

According to him, this diagnosis requires "necessity": the installation of GSM cell phone jammer is to prevent mobile phones from being picked up at school. Without the network, there is no communication, for any purpose. Philippe Meunier believed that teachers could “claim the same respect from viewers or actors in entertainment venues”, so he asked Vincent Payon if it was possible to “approve the installation of GSM jammers in venues” . Schools are like theaters and cinemas.”

After nearly two months of waiting, the congressman has just received a response from the Minister of National Education. The latter let him know that there is no doubt about installing such equipment. Vincent Peillon explained that the State Education General Inspectorate has considered the possible installation of corrugated cell phone jammers. Result: "If the solution proves to be a means to prevent telephone communication, considering their impact, people must be reluctant to emit electromagnetic waves, especially electromagnetic waves from "mobile phone jammers." Real or assumed information about health. "

But most importantly, Rue de Grenelle argued that Article L33-3-1 of the Postal and Electronic Communications Act prohibits “the use of any equipment in order to render all types of electronic communications equipment unusable.” Only for receiving transmissions ". However, this article provides for an exception: "for public order, national defense and national security or judicial public service needs." Question: The minister pointed out that "the school is not mentioned in this detailed list", so he Put aside the proposal of Congressman Munier.

Like the Minister, let us recall that the "Grinell II Environment" prohibits the use (instead of owning) mobile phones in schools and universities. Article L511-5 of the Education Law effectively stipulates: "The use of mobile phone jammers in nurseries, elementary schools and universities, in any teaching activities and in places prescribed by internal regulations, is prohibited by students from using mobile phones." In this regard, Vincent Payon pointed out: "Therefore, the competent department of each school or college shall stipulate in the internal regulations where students cannot use the telephone."

However, this ban, adopted in the name of the precautionary principle, usually has no effect. In addition, Senator Alain Dufaut has been offended for more than a year. Regrettably, "The text does not specify whether he will return teachers to comply with the law, which may offend offenders (especially parents). These The incorrectness led to the failure to take the measure," he was shocked. The Minister of Education at the time Luc Chatel, like Vincent Peillon, replied that it is up to each agency to resolve this issue within the framework of internal regulations. "Some regulations allow the confiscation of mobile jammers. In case of repeated offenders and repeated offenders, they may be punished by the school or even disciplinary." An explanation that made Alain Dufaut dissatisfied: "Let me Sitting on the school board, I know that establishing rules and sanctions for non-compliance is very difficult."