In order to cope with future electronic warfare, the United States vigorously develops the signal jammer

The US Navy (USN) is requesting USD459.52 million in its fiscal year 2019 (FY 2019) budget for continued development of the Next Generation Jammer (NGJ), which is designed to address current, emerging, and evolving Electronic Warfare gaps.
The recent reports out of Syria highlight the inclusion of these in an evolving battlespace. One of the simplest threats to drones is the blocking or scrambling its reception of a signal from a GPS satellite. This “GPS jamming” can produce serious operational impact on military mission and will likely become more and more prevalent. According to a piece by NBC, Russians are using GPS jamming against the U.S. military’s smaller surveillance aircraft.
The Systems Tool Kit (STK) has a quick tutorial that demonstrates how to determine if a small, hand-held GPS jammer can interfere with your mission. One can also determine how spectrum filters or phased array adaptive nulling can counter this, or design new systems as other phenomenologies to get positioning, such as celestial navigation, that operate in these denied environment.
The U.S. Army wants drone-mounted signal jammers now to dominate future electronic warfare and is switching to a little-understood and lightly regulated contracting method to get them. The expert said jammers can be built into VIP motorcades if they are intended to counter threats. There are many better methods that could have been used to deal with possible threats in Parliament.
According to the expert, signal jammers are starting to pop up in private businesses where they are used to “improve productivity in manufacturing and against corporate espionage”. The local Gunfighter Flag exercise held in mid-April led to unintended consequences after military jamming equipment used to train aircrews also blocked navigation signals used by local farmers, pilots and city workers.
A major source of the GPS jamming will be Red Flag 18-1, the first phase of the air war games staged every year from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, with events ranging as far north as the Seattle air traffic control area. Electronic warfare aircraft, including the Navy's EA-18 Growler and the Air Force's EC-130 Compass Call, will play a role in shutting down the satellite navigation system for everything within as large as a 450 nautical mile radius.
The GPS jamming during Red Flag and other exercises this winter are intended to prepare pilots and air crews for operations under those sorts of hostile electromagnetic conditions. The Army will conduct its own GPS jamming exercises as well at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Polk in Louisiana, and at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, during the same timeframe.