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Only national authorities can use cell phone jammers to fight terrorism and crime


Large electronic market chains prevent their customers from comparing prices directly on the Internet. Television channel RTL wants to know. A sales manager told the broadcaster that the company's management had installed mobile phone blockers in branches to block Internet connections from smartphones and tablets. However, RTL does not provide any valid proof.

In a chant of "Not us! In "The Big Lie," RTL shows the techniques retailers use to entice customers to buy. Among other things, journalists wanted to get to the bottom of the smartphone myth: It is alleged that big electronic discount stores deliberately interfere with mobile communications to prevent customers from comparing prices on the Internet.

The signal jammers was installed in secret

An anonymous source confirmed suspicions about the plan. He himself was a sales manager at a branch of a major retail chain that lured customers with low prices. The broadcaster did not say which market it was in.

In the interview, the man said as many as five jamming stations were installed at each branch of his employer. These completely disable the phone, allowing it to receive. According to RTL, the veracity of these statements was confirmed under oath.


The transmitter was installed by a dedicated team of craftsmen, mostly under false pretenses. The respective store managers don't know. According to a person familiar with the matter, the decision on the blocker was made by the management of the electronic market chain

Dangerous practice

Private individuals are prohibited from installing, using, selling and importing such cell phone jammer throughout the EU; After approval by the Federal Cyber Agency, only national authorities can use them, for example, to fight terrorism and crime. There are considerable penalties if used incorrectly, as these transmitters also block emergency calls.

The myth is not proven

Unfortunately, it's still a mystery which electronics chain is deliberately breaking the law to block customers' smartphones. Golem, a technology magazine, asked Media Markt, a discount store, whether it adopted the practice. A company spokesman assured that jammers would not be used on the market. The design of many branches may instead explain the poor reception.