How to block the cell phone signal around
Let’s say that you are sitting in a nice café and all you do is enjoying the situation around you. The only thing that bothers your attention is the fact
that there are many people who are doing the worst out of the situation by simply speaking on their phones without stopping. Well, now is the time when you
will pull out your portable cell phone zapper. Just turn it on and you can be 100% sure that there will be no person out there who will suspect you in
jamming the signal.
If you want to block the signal of your neighbor but he lives 20-30 meters away from you, then you have to get a cell phone jammer that exceeds this working range. As a matter of fact the bigger the working
range is – the better. The reason for this is because in most cases the working range has nothing in common with the working range mentioned by the
manufacturer. To be honest we must tell you that working range is not constant and it may change depending on physical obstacles, weather and environment.
This means that the most important thing you have to take a look at is not only the battery life (in case you are going for a portable device) but also the
working range.
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