Signal Jammers April 2023 FAQ List
The WiFi signal shield only interferes with the WiFi signal
There is a WiFi signal shield that only interferes with the WiFi signal.
Smartphone interceptors are devices that intercept phone signals
In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of exams, large examination centers and qualification examination venues around the world will install CCTV and mobile frequency blockers to block 5G, 4G, 3G, and GSM signals.
UHF/VHF jammers are designed to block communication channels
Some countries will use radio jamming to prevent foreign broadcasters in border areas from reaching the country.
Signal blocking tools to prevent nearby devices from using your WIFI
If you are a person who values personal privacy, then you must want to know more about signal jammer, because it is very important to protect your personal safety.
Purchase powerful signal blockers to help solve problems
In fact, using a mobile phone is not necessarily addictive, but it does lead to apathy, surprise, inconvenience, inappropriate behavior, etc.
Use your phone blocker wisely depending on the frequency you want to block
With the rise of the era of smartphones and big data, almost everyone has a smartphone, and its communication products are also extremely convenient.If you are not familiar, you can check our phone interceptor page or blog page.
The drone interference gun concentrates all its power on one frequency
As drones become increasingly popular among many different user groups, their prices have dropped from civilian prices.
Use a fixed signal jammer to interfere with more stable performance
The application of WiFi and Bluetooth technology is becoming increasingly mature, bringing convenience to people while also posing risks of privacy leakage and data theft.
Using signal scramblers and jammers to interfere with drones in sensitive locations
Due to the increasingly widespread application of consumer grade rotary wing drones, many sensitive places that are not allowed to fly
Mobile phone signal jammer is to prevent phone fraud and harassment
Nowadays, the internet has penetrated into various fields, and various magical mobile apps and network software have emerged one after another.
Military vehicles were hit by landmines on the road, causing damage to jammers
According to the People's Defense Organization in Mingmu Township, Sage Province, on October 14th, fighting broke out between the Military Commission and local civil defense forces in Kani and Pulai towns.
Retailers use jammers to prevent others from stealing confidential store information
Signal jammers can prevent the transmission and reception of signals, which can have terrifying consequences in certain emergency situations.
40 Jiaya candidates cheated by taking advantage of the lack of mobile phone jammers in the test center
In the police recruitment exam in Jiaya, 40 candidates took advantage of the fact that no mobile signal jammer were installed at the exam site, hid their mobile communication devices or Bluetooth devices in their ears and entered the exam room.
Select the details of the mobile phone signal jammer in the meeting room
It is a very wise approach to avoid being interrupted by suddenly ringing mobile phones during meetings, or to keep attendees focused on the meeting content and prevent it from leaking out.
Any interception software cannot achieve the purpose of intercepting signals
n recent years, with the increasing popularity of mobile terminals such as mobile phones, it is also common for households to use shielding devices to block wireless signals.
Signal blocker can interfere with aviation communications
Generally speaking, the frequency transmitted by the full band jammer interferes with the normal frequency of the mobile phone receiving the base station, making it unable to connect to the base station and thus unable to make phone calls and access the internet.
Signal jammers can interfere with microphones operating within the frequency range
Signal jammers can block signals from most wireless devices, such as mobile phones, GpS, wireless networks, Bluetooth, remote controls, etc.
Test whether the signal blocker interferes with the wireless microphone
Is the signal blocking device in the conference room interfering with wireless microphones?
The higher the power of the blocker shielding module, the stronger the penetration force
How does the mobile phone blocker penetrate the wall?
The power line powers the mobile GPS signal jammer while transmitting the control system
Due to the need to restrict the use of mobile phones in many situations, installing a mobile interceptor has become the most effective way to solve this problem.
A full-frequency signal blocker with tens of dollars usually has no guarantee of jamming effect
Usually, we receive inquiries from customers asking why your signal blockers are so much higher than those that cost tens of dollars online?
In open areas, the interference range of signal shields will be greater
The interference range of a signal jammer depends on its transmission power and operating frequency.
Use software to automatically control all - band signal jammer to reduce personnel negligence
Student addiction to online games has always been a headache for many parents.
Lack of equipment and expertise for full-band jammers resulting in no signal in the area
Is it necessary to use a full band jammer at home?
Full band blocker respond to mobile phone explosions and violent threats
Common issues with full band jammers
The difference between the external antenna and the internal antenna of the blocker
The full band jammers suitable for meeting rooms in the market are mainly divided into internal antennas and external antennas.
The original intent of airborne frequency jammers
Today, let's trace the origin and development of this artifact together.
Signal blocker can interfere with wireless network signals
What are the factors that affect the effectiveness of mobile signal blockers in conference rooms?
Turn on the phone blocker to eliminate annoying noise in the viewing area
We've had enough. Today, we will introduce the noise reduction technology of a mobile phone blocker.
Use a cell phone jammer to protect yourself from the ''police''
Do the police really tell you how to track and monitor your phone?
No need to drive to buy a signal jammer free shipping
Modern society is often referred to as the information society because it largely depends on the continuous transmission of information.
Understanding GPS jammers requires understanding GPS trackers
The introduction of tracking technology, GPS trackers, and fleet management software has changed vehicle management in various ways.
Suitable jammer make it difficult for various frequencies to interfere with frequencies
With the rise of smartphones, almost everyone has a smartphone, and its communication products are also extremely convenient.
Block the area to make sure the phone doesn't transmit sensitive information
Do you have to block a certain area to ensure that your phone does not transmit sensitive information?
How Interference Signals Occur
The frequency band is composed of uplink interference and downlink interference.
Low cost performance blocker are most suitable for civil use
Personal mobile communication makes communication with others easier.
A civilian signal jammer designed for non-military purposes
What is the difference between civilian jammers and military jammer?
Blockers help prevent intrusion into the GPS function of the device
Many criminals will attempt to implant physical GPS devices into your body to track you, but they do not need to do so.
Misuse GPS trackers to disrupt government work
Although criminals can already misuse GPS trackers to disrupt law enforcement and government tasks, mobile phone jammers can also be used to protect your safety.
Cheaper jammers won't be as safe as the ones on our site
We suggest that customers do not purchase weaker and cheaper jammers.
To be used for surveillance we need a wireless phone jammer
More and more people are being used to monitor us. So we need a wireless phone jammer.
A phone jammed by phone blocker will not display signal bar
One way to identify a mobile phone blocker is to determine if the signal it blocks is weak.
Blocker interferes with broadcasting at the same frequency as the radio used
If you think your neighbor has a cell phone jammer in his or her basement, then you are not alone.
Cell phone jammers have different frequencies in different countries
Do you know why cell phone jammer have different frequencies in different countries?
There are many different jammers available for the same purpose
The following are three factors to consider when selecting a signal jammer.
Tribal leaders install cell phone jammers to shut down the Internet
A tribal leader in a seaside town in France installed a cell phone jammer to shut down the internet.
Mobile phone blocker anti-cheating communication tools
If you are looking for an anti cheating communication tool, you may have already considered a mobile phone jammer.
Block cell phone signals to prevent unauthorized calls
Mobile phone jammers can be used to block mobile phone signals and prevent unauthorized calls.
Personal phone jammer prevents cellular signal transmission from running
A personal phone jammer is a method of blocking cellular signals.
Signs you should know about cell phone jammers to watch out for
If you are worried about having a mobile phone jammer at home, you should be aware of the signs that need to be noted.
The FCC is concerned that intercepting devices such as signal blockers affect freedom
The FCC is concerned that blocking devices such as mobile signal blockers may affect people's freedom, so it has imposed severe penalties on companies selling such devices online.
Jammer signal collision interrupted wireless communication between phone and tower
You may have heard of mobile phone transmission towers.
The phone will display "poor reception" when it is in range of the jammer
If you have ever wanted to know the function of a phone blocker, then you have come to the right place.
Phone jammers create a quieter communication environment
If you want to create a quieter environment, a phone jammer may be a good idea.
If you want to know if cell phone blockers are safe read this
If you want to know if the phone signal jammer is safe, please continue reading.
WiFi jammers are also available away from spy devices
They can also be used as phone jammers. Some of these devices can even be used during charging.
Jammers disrupt critical communications in areas of high crime risk
Although mobile phone jammers have been around for decades, they have only received limited media coverage.
Jammers that block cell phone signals in the workplace
Installing a jammer in your workplace can help you maintain work efficiency.
Making phones think they have no service is how jammers work
If you want to learn how to find powerful signal interference devices, please continue reading!
A cooling fan to prevent the jammer from overheating
Some government models can effectively create blind spots over a kilometer wide.
Will the phone jammer really disable the phone
The answer is yes. The military, law enforcement agencies, and certain government agencies are not bound by these laws.
Jammer may unintentionally interfere with the signals of other phones
The technology used by cell phone jammer can help ensure the security of message content.