Signal Jammers April 2019 FAQ List
The concert order vindicator - jamming equipment
This kind of equipment is necessary, of course. In the process of the concert, if there is any noise is should not.
Why use jamming device in western restaurant?
Generally speaking, the western restaurant for dining environment is very attention.
Why our cell phone no signal in cinema?
This is a problem that people who go to the cinema often will notice.
Why GPS tracking more and more?
With the application of GPS technology is more and more developed, more and more application of GPS was born.
How to protect children's eye by jammer?
Cell phone jammer can protect the child?
School can use a mobile phone jammer?
Before discussing whether to use cell phone jammer we must understand the use of mobile phones to the harm of children.
Why use mobile phone signal jammer in prisons?
From a disciplinary perspective, is necessary to use a cell phone jammer.
How to work cell phone jammer?
How to work cell phone jammer? Disrupting a cell phone is the same as jamming any other type of radio communication.
How to work drone jammer?
The working principle of the drone jammer in simple terms, is through the radio signal coverage to affect the normal reception unmanned aerial vehicle (uav).
Can I jam a drone signal?
Of course, you can jamming drone signal. Now, with the commercial chaos in drone, a growing number of government departments need to interfere with the drones.
From the cinema's point of view, they have the right to do so.
Indeed, 5G phones have been released this year, proving that the era of 5G is coming.
How to get cell phone jammer? How it work?
It easily available and cheap. Lots of people have them, like professional wireless network installers and cable installers.
Where to buy a cheap cell phone jammer?
This is a difficult question to answer. Because different countries have different channels to buy cheap jammers.