Cell Phone Case Blocks Cameras
More and more conferences are getting used to placing Cell Phone Case Blocks Cameras in the conference hall. "At the beginning of the meeting, it was discovered that the mobile phone signal was gone, and it was completely'disconnected'." "In the event of an emergency, I couldn't contact the responsible comrades of the relevant departments. It took several hours before I received feedback that I was in a meeting"... …Speaking of the problem of being "shielded" in meetings, the cadres couldn't close their chatterboxes after opening them. A township cadre talked about an example that made him quite a little helpless-once he went out to attend a conference, the on-site signal was blocked, and there happened to be a petition by the masses that day, and he had to communicate with him on call. "Other cadres explained that they could not be contacted for the time being. The masses did not believe them, thinking they were perfunctory and deliberately avoiding them. When the masses later went to higher-level departments to petition, they added an additional reason in the reason-'cadres are too brazen and inaction'." Afterwards, he visited the door many times to resolve the knots of the masses. To sort out the dissatisfaction of the cadres, on the one hand, the mobile phone jammer involves too many meetings, too frequent, and there is no clear standard. "No matter what the meeting is, add a mobile phone signal jammer." On the other hand, there is a lack of timely reminders and notifications in advance. A cadre introduced, "When I was seated, I found that the signal was still full, and thought it would not be blocked. As a result, when the meeting started, there was no signal in an instant." When I went out, I looked at my mobile phone outside the venue." cell phone jammer
Shielding the signals from the meeting site may not lack the original intention of "improving quality and efficiency" to make the cadres listen more carefully and further ensure the effect of the meeting. However, simple and rude handling methods may have counterproductive effects. After all, the most fundamental factor that determines whether and what effect a meeting can achieve is the quality of the meeting itself. If the information of the meeting itself is insufficient, and the document is just thought of mechanically, and the direction of the meeting is retreat rather than pragmatism, then a meeting that "can be held or not" will inevitably lead to the choice of "listening or not", "being in the meeting place" The state of "heart outside the meeting" is naturally inevitable. In a meeting, if cadres are unwilling to listen carefully, they should first reflect on whether there are problems with the meeting itself; relying on cutting off the signal to force cadres to "listen carefully" in a disguised form is undoubtedly a move to end the situation. For truly important, necessary, and informative meetings, attendees are naturally willing to listen carefully, and the actual effect of Cell Phone Case Blocks Cameras is limited; and for those meetings that are formal, convoluted, and prolonged, cut off the network signal, and constantly think about it. Absolute external contact will not eliminate doubts about the conference space and too generality. Of course, for some meetings that are particularly important or have confidentiality requirements, it is not impossible to implement signal shielding when it is indeed necessary to shield the signal. However, you should also consider informing the participants in advance, and reserve time for the participants to transfer and transfer important and urgent matters. Conversely, meetings originally intended to "advance work" are likely to have the reverse effect of "influencing work". To improve the quality of meetings, you cannot pin your hopes on mobile phone jammers.
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