Cheap Hand Held Cell Phone Jammer
Nowadays, mobile phone signals are almost everywhere. While it is convenient for mobile phones to use, the electromagnetic wave signals generated by them also affect other electrical equipment to a certain extent, especially the petroleum products and appliances in gas stations. When not using a mobile phone, Cheap Hand Held Cell Phone Jammer has minimal impact on electrical equipment. When using a mobile phone, the base station of the mobile phone establishes data communication with the mobile phone, and a random sudden change signal occurs, causing a dynamic magnetic field around the electrical equipment. This dynamic electromagnetic field signal will induce sudden change interference signals. , Causing dysfunction of electrical equipment, resulting in dysfunction of electrical equipment. cell phone jammer
When the mobile phone battery is activated at a gas station, the mobile phone will ring, and it will generate sufficient energy to cause a slight spark. It will cause a fire when it meets with flammable materials such as petroleum in the air. As a result, we can see that there are express regulations on gas stations prohibiting the use of mobile phones in gas stations. According to the principle, the equipment at the gas station is controlled by a computer. The signal of the mobile phone will affect the normal operation of the equipment, which will lead to the prohibition of metering. More importantly, when the mobile phone is sending or receiving high-frequency electromagnetic waves, the inside There will be high-frequency currents. If the mobile phone has poor contact, it will cause the gas to burn, which will cause the gas station to explode. Cheap Hand Held Cell Phone Jammer The use of mobile phone signal jammers can limit mobile phone signals 500M meters away from the launching station. The shielding radius is adjustable, and the coverage area is more than 30 square meters. The mobile phone within this range cannot establish contact with the base station, so to a certain extent, it can avoid the influence of the electromagnetic signal emitted by the mobile phone signal on the gas station. The mobile phone signal jammer developed by Saiyue Communication can only shield the mobile phone signal without affecting other electronic equipment, so it can be used with confidence.
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