With the increasing popularity of GPS system, GPS jammer has become a necessity
You may be wondering what GPS jammers are and what potential applications they have. GPS can use triangulation to transmit a location to a receiver with an accuracy of only a few centimeters. GPS is used in personal portable electronic devices, navigation and vehicle positioning systems, and small GPS tracking devices.

The Global Positioning System, or GPS for short, is a system that many people, companies, and militaries use for navigational purposes. You can find out where a person is through triangulation, which is a method of measuring three separate points to calculate a location. More recently, in a world increasingly monitored by GPS, civilians have turned to these devices to protect their privacy. Todd Humphries, director of the Radio Navigation Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin, believes it could directly block or interfere with drones receiving signals from GPS satellites.
Now we come to the GPS signal, which is a radio signal that occupies a specific frequency. With the increasing popularity of GPS systems, GPS jammers have become a necessity. The GPS system uses a series of satellites that transmit radio signals. This signal reaches a GPS electronic receiver and triangulates the location.
Since GPS is just weak radio waves, you can use a GPS jammer to block or distort these waves, although this requires technical equipment and expertise. The equipment used was developed by the Russian military and is so advanced that it has proven effective against certain encrypted signals and anti-jamming receivers, officials said.
Some of these can be used in conjunction with cell phone blockers - also known as cell phone blockers and wifi blockers. The jamming aircraft "had a considerable impact" on U.N. surveillance drones attempting to monitor the area, grounding the fleet for several days and ceasing to gather information from the air.