Does the jammer block other electronic device signals?
Because the signals have different frequency bands, the single-band jammer does not interfere with other frequency bands. Just as a jammer that can only interfere with a 3G signal can't block a 4G signal.
There are also cell phone jammer that can interfere with a wide range of frequencies. However, this type of jammer can choose to turn on or off a single frequency. So, in general, the jammer does not interfere with other frequencies.
What should pay attention to before buying the jammer?
Cell Phone Jammer Circuit Using Microcontroller To Protect Health
Cell Phone Case Wallet Energy Blocker Effectively Prevent Cheating
Penalty For Cell Phone Jammer Blocks Mobile Signals
Cell phone jammer prevents driving to make calls
Blocking Instagram On Cell Phone Is Related To The Case
What should pay attention to before buying the jammer? Can jammers be used at extreme temperatures? Is the jammer waterproof? What's the difference between GSM and CDMA? What's the difference between desktop jammer and handheld jammer?
What's the difference between desktop jammer and handheld jammer? How long can jammer work? What is frequency band? What is MHz mean? What is jammers?